1100 S. McAllister Ave. Armstrong Hall, Suite 240 PO Box 872501
Tempe, AZ 85287-2501
Mail code: 2501
Campus: Tempe
Long Bio
Kenro Kusumi is senior vice provost and dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (The College) and professor of life sciences at Arizona State University. He received his AB from Harvard College in Biochemical Sciences and his PhD in Biology from MIT. He carried out postdoctoral training as a Hitchings-Elion Fellow of the Burroughs Wellcome Fund at the National Institute for Medical Research in London. Kusumi was previously faculty at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, where he served as director of pediatric orthopaedic research. At ASU, he has served in a number of roles including as director of the School of Life Sciences and associate dean and dean of natural sciences in The College. Kusumi helped to launch the University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix in partnership with ASU 2006, and he is adjunct faculty at the Translational Genomics Research Institute. Kusumi is committed to promoting access to higher education and student success as well as excellence in research.
Kusumi’s research uses the power of genome biology to help conserve and study the functional adaptations of reptiles. Among the reptiles, more than half of the living turtle species are threatened with extinction, and Kusumi has sequenced the genomes of the threatened Mojave desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), Sonoran desert tortoise (G. morafkai) and Texas tortoise (G. berlandieri) as tools for conservation efforts. The anole lizards have been described as the “Darwin’s finches” of reptiles, and Kusumi has led genome-scale analyses of accelerated evolution associated with their functional adaptations. His group has also uncovered sets of genes that are critical in the ability of anole lizards to adapt and regenerate parts of their bodies.
Burroughs Wellcome Fund Hitchins-Elion Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institute for Medical Research, Medical Research Council, London, UK 1998-2000
Ph.D. Dept. of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1997
A.B. magna cum laude, Harvard College, Harvard University 1988
Kusumi’s research at ASU uses the power of genome biology to help conserve and study the functional adaptations of reptiles. Among the reptiles, more than half of the living turtle species are threatened with extinction, and Kusumi has sequenced the genome of the threatened Mojave desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) and Sonoran desert tortoise (G. morafkai) as resources for conservation efforts. His group is extending genomic analysis to the Texas tortoise (G. berlandieri).The anole lizards have been described as the “Darwin’s finches” of reptiles, and Kusumi’s group has led the first genome-scale analysis of accelerated evolution associated with their functional adaptations. His group has also uncovered sets of genes that are critical in the ability of anole lizards to adapt and regenerate parts of their bodies. They are using genomic approaches to study the evolution of wildlife on the Baja California peninsula.
Tollis M, DeNardo DF, Cornelius JA, Dolby GA, Edwards T, Henen BT, Karl AE, Murphy RW, Kusumi K. The Agassiz’s desert tortoise genome provides a resource for the conservation of a threatened species. PLOS ONE. 2017 12(5): e0177708. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0177708
Tollis M, Hutchins ED, Stapley J, Rupp SM, Eckalbar WL, Maayan I, Lasku E, Infante C, Dennis SR, Robertson JA, May C, Crusoe MR, Bermingham E, DeNardo DF, Hsieh ST, Huentelman MJ, Kulathinal R, McMillan O, Menke DB, Pratt SC, Rawls A, Sanjur O, Wilson-Rawls J, Wilson Sayres MA, Fisher RE, Kusumi K. Comparative genomics reveals accelerated evolution in conserved pathways during the diversification of anole lizards. Genome Biol Evol. February 2018 10(2):489-506 https://doi.org/10.1093/gbe/evy013
Orton JP, Morales M, Fontenele RS, Schmidlin K, Kraberger S, Leavitt DJ, Webster TH, Wilson MA, Kusumi K, Dolby GA, Varsani A. Virus Discovery in Desert Tortoise Fecal Samples: Novel Circular Single-Stranded DNA Viruses. Viruses. 2020 Jan 26;12(2). pii: E143. https://doi.org/10.3390/v12020143
Dolby GA, Morales M, Webster TH, DeNardo DF, Wilson MA, Kusumi K. Discovery of a New TLR Gene and Gene Expansion Event through Improved Desert Tortoise Genome Assembly with Chromosome-Scale Scaffolds. Genome Biol Evol. 2020 Feb 1;12(2):3917-3925. https://doi.org/10.1093/gbe/evaa016
Xu C, Dolby GA, Drake KK, Esque TC, Kusumi K. Immune and sex-biased gene expression in the threatened Mojave desert tortoise, Gopherus agassizii. PLOS ONE 2020 26;15(8):e0238202. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0238202
Xu C, Palade J, Fisher RE, Smith CI, Clark AR, Sampson S, Bourgeois R, Rawls A, Elsey RM, Wilson-Rawls J, Kusumi K. Comparative anatomy and histology reveal that the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) exhibits regenerative capacity of the tail. Sci Rep 2020 10:20122. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-77052-8
Westfall AK, Telemeco RS, Grizante MB, Waits DS, Clark AD, Simpson DY, Klabacka RL. Sullivan AP. Perry GH, Cox CL, Cox RM, Gifford ME, John-Alder HB, Sears MW, Angilletta MJ, Tollis M, Leaché AD, Langkilde T, Kusumi K, Schwartz TS. A chromosome-level genome assembly for the Eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus), a reptile model for physiological and evolutionary ecology. Gigascience. 1-17. E12753. 1 October 2021 https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giab066
Xu C, Hutchins ED, Eckalbar WL, Pendarvis K, Benson DM, Lake DF, McCarthy FM, Kusumi K. Comparative proteomic analysis of tail regeneration in the green anole lizard, Anolis carolinensis. Nat Sci. 2023;e20210421.https://doi.org/10.1002/ntls.20210421
Research Activity
Dolby, Greer; Kusumi, Kenro. Collaborative Research: Testing Evolutionary Psuedocongruence Along the Baja California Peninsula Through Integration of Geologic and Genomic Data. NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION (10/1/19-9/30/25).
DeNardo, Dale; Dolby, Greer; Kusumi, Kenro. IMAGiNE: Testing multi-level controls on an aridity tolerance phenotype over time through physiogenomic data integration. NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION (9/1/21-8/31/25).
McCracken, Shawn; Kusumi, Kenro; Dolby, Greer. “Conservation genomics and disease ecology of the Texas tortoise, Gopherus berlandieri” TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT (1/1/22-12/31/24)
“Genomic insights into the evolution and conservation of threatened Gopherus tortoises.” Department of Ecology and Evolution Seminar, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL (Video). September 10, 2021.
“The promise of future regenerative therapies: Insights from genomic analysis of regeneration in reptiles.” TEDxASUWest, Arizona State University West Campus, Phoenix, AZ. September 23, 2021. https://youtu.be/cFQec1-2g0M
“Decoding genomes to understand life while working to advance inclusive academic environments.” Scientific Queeries, Faculty of Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (Video). April 26, 2022
“Decoding genomes and advancing LGBTQ+ inclusion in academic environments.” MIT BioLGBTQ+, Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Video). December 7, 2022.
“Genomic approaches for chelonian conservation in a changing world.’ 48th Annual Desert Tortoise Council Meeting, St. George, UT. February 23- 25, 2023.
Trustee, Board of Trustees, Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences, Bermuda (2022-present)
Trustee, Board of Trustees, Arizona Science Center, Phoenix, AZ (2022-present)
Member, Board of Directors, LGBTQ Leaders in Higher Education (2023-present)
Judge, Annual DNA Day Essay Contest, American Society for Human Genetics (2008-present)
Member of the Selection Committee, Out to Innovate Scholarships for LGBT STEM Students, Out to Innovate (formerly National Organization of Gay & Lesbian Scientists & Technical Professionals, NOGLSTP) (2014-present)
Founding Member, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Community (LGBTQ*) Faculty & Staff Association, Arizona State University (2016-present)
Mentor, HUES LGBT+ Mentoring Program, Graduate College, Arizona State University (2018-present)
Faculty Advisor, GRADient Out in Graduate School, Arizona State University (2018-present)
Mentor, O-STEM (Out in STEM) mentor network
Allies Member, ADVANCE Institutional Transformation Award, Arizona State University (2018-present)