School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Tempe, AZ 85287-8809
Mail code: 8809
Campus: Tempe
Long Bio
George Runger is Professor in the School of Computing an Augmented Intelligence at Arizona State University. He researches analytical methods for knowledge generation and data-driven improvements in organizations. He focuses on machine learning for large, complex data, and real-time analysis, with applications to surveillance, decision support, and population health. Previously, he was a senior engineer and technical leader for data analytics projects at IBM. He holds degrees in industrial engineering and statistics. He was the inaugural department editor for healthcare informatics for ISIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering.
Ph.D. Statistics, University of Minnesota 1982
A Berrado, George Runger. Using Metarules to Organize and Group Discovered Association Rules. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (2007).
George Runger, R. Barton, E. Castillo, W. Woodall. Optimal Monitoring of Multivariate Data for Fault Patterns. Journal of Quality Technology (2007).
J Hu, George Runger, E Tuv. Tuned Artificial Contrasts to Detect Signals. International Journal of Production Research: Special Issue on Control Charts (2007).
W Hwang, George Runger, E Tuv. Multivariate Statistical Process Control with Artificial Contrasts. IIE Transactions: Special Issue on Data Mining (2007).
Montgomery, D C, Runger, George. Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 4th Edition. (2007).
Hu, J. (Author) ,Runger, George (Author) ,Tuv, E. (Author) . Contributors to a Signal from an Artificial Contrast. Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics II (2007).
B Ramirez, George Runger. Quantitative Techniques to Evaluate Process Stability. Quality Engineering (2006).
F Li, George Runger, E Tuv. Supervised Learning for Change-point Detection. International Journal of Production Research: Special Issue on Data Mining (2006).
H Garcia, R Villalobos, George Runger. An Automated Feature Selection Method for Visual Inspection Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (2006).
K Skinner, George Runger, D Montgomery. Process Monitoring for Multiple Count Data Using a Deleted-Y Statistic. Quality Technology and Quantitative Management: Special Issue on Control Charts (2006).
Hu, J, Runger, George. Time-Based Detection of Changes to Multivariate Patterns. (2006).
Hu, J, Runger, George, Tuv, E. Self-Learning of Decision Rules for Statistical Process Control. (2006).
D Jearkpaporn, George Runger, D Montgomery, C Borror. Process Monitoring for Mean Shifts for Multiple Stage Processes. International Journal of Production Research: Special Issue on Quality Engineering (2005).
D. Jearkpaporn, Douglas Montgomery, George Runger, Connie Borror. Model-Based Process Monitoring using Robust Generalized Linear Models. International Journal of Production Research (2005).
George Runger, M. Testik, F. Tsung. Relationships among Control Charts Used with Feedback Control. Quality and Reliability Engineering International (2005).
M Testik, George Runger. One-Sided Multivariate Control Charts. IIE Transactions (2005).
P Backus, M Janakiram, S Mowzoon, George Runger, A Bhargava. Factory Cycle-Time Prediction with a Data-Mining Approach. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing (2005).
Y. Shao, John Fowler, George Runger. A Note on Determining an Optimal Target by Considering the Dependence of Holding Costs and the Quality Characteristics. Journal of Applied Statistics (2005).
Testik, M (Author) ,Runger, George (Author) ,Kirkman-Liff, B (Author) ,Smith, E A (Author) . Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Healthcare Organizations: A Decision-Tree Approach. Creating Knowledge-Based Healthcare Organizations (2005).
Runger, George, Barton, R, Del Castillo, E. Collaborative Research: GOALI: Adjustment and Monitoring Methods for Multiple-Stream and Process-Oriented Quality Control. (2005).
Runger, George, Tuv, E. Self-Learning of Decision Rules for Statistical Process Control. (2005).
E Tuv, George Runger. Scoring Levels of Categorical Variables with Heterogeneous Data. IEEE Intelligent Systems: Special Issue on Data and Information Cleaning and Preprocessing (2004).
M Testik, J Cochran, George Runger. Adaptive Server Staffing in the Presence of Time-Varying Arrivals: A Feed-Forward Control Approach. Journal of Operational Research Society (2004).
B Nelson, George Runger. Process Forecasting with a Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm and a Dynamic Template. J. of Quality Technology (2003).
M Carlyle, D Montgomery, George Runger. Optimization Problems and Methods in Quality Control and Improvement. J. of Quality Technology (2000).
Research Activity
Runger,George*. Collaborative Research: Active Statistical Learning: Ensembles Manifolds and Optimal Experimental Design. NSF-ENG-CMMI(9/1/2015 - 8/31/2018).
Runger,George*. Supply Chain Metrics and Analysis. SCI(1/2/2014 - 5/15/2014).
Atkinson,Robert Kenneth*, Runger,George. Incorporating affective-based dynamic difficulty adjustment into personalized digital environments: A generalizable framework for closed-loop systems. DOD-NAVY-ONR(4/1/2013 - 3/31/2016).
Reddy,T Agami*, Reddy,T Agami*, Runger,George, Runger,George. Enhanced Detection and Diagnostic Capabilities of Data Mining Methods to Identify Energy Efficiency. PNNL(3/26/2013 - 3/31/2014).
Runger,George*. Supply Chain Analysis. SEMICONDUCTOR RESEARCH CORP(12/1/2011 - 5/31/2015).
Runger,George*, Rowe,Jeremy. Important Features for Complex Systems with Transient Effects. DOD-NAVY-ONR(3/16/2009 - 3/15/2012).
Runger,George*. Demand-Pricing Relationships for a better demand supply chain planning. SEMICONDUCTOR RESEARCH CORP(1/1/2009 - 12/31/2011).
Runger,George*. Collaborative Research: Blind Discovery of Variation sources for Visualization by Multidisciplinary Teams. NSF-ENG-DMII(8/1/2008 - 7/31/2012).
Katz,Charles*, Katz,Charles*, Katz,Charles*, Liu,Huan, Rodriguez,Nancy, Rodriguez,Nancy, Rowe,Jeremy, Rowe,Jeremy, Runger,George, Runger,George, Schaefer,David, Van Schoik,Douglas Rick. DHS COE in Border Security and Immigration. UNIV OF AZ(7/1/2008 - 6/30/2011).
Nganje,William Evange*, Richards,Timothy James, Runger,George, Villalobos,Jesus R. Intelligent Food Defense Systems for International Supply Chains: The Case of Mexico Fresh Produce to the U.S. DHS(7/1/2008 - 12/31/2009).
Runger,George*, Runger,George*. Integration of Health Outcomes Information--A Partnership with Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. AZ DEPT OF ENVIRONMNT QUALITY(9/13/2007 - 6/30/2008).
Hu, J, Runger, George. Time-Based Detection of Changes to Multivariate Patterns. INFORMS Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining Workshop (Oct 2006).
Runger, George. Data Mining Overview. INFORMS Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining Workshop (Oct 2006).
Runger, George, Myong, Jeong. Data Mining/Statistical Modeling and Process Monitoring: Wavelets, Data Mining, and Statistical Modeling. INFORMS National Conference (Oct 2006).
Runger, George. Invited Panel Discussion: Data Mining from Statistical and OR Perspectives. INFORMS Annual Conference (Oct 2006).
Runger, George. Invited Panel Discussion: Teaching Experimental Design and Statistical Process Control Methods in IE/OR/Statistics Programs. INFORMS Annual Conference, October (Oct 2006).
Runger, George. Data Mining Research. Weyehaeuser Research Meeting (Jun 2006).
Andersen, S, Runger, George. Ensemble Methods to Model a Fermentation Process", INFORMS Annual Conference. INFORMS Annual Conference (Oct 2005).
Berrado, A, Runger, George. Supervised Rule Discovery to Explain Rare Events in Process Data. INFORMS Annual Conference (Oct 2005).
Runger, George. Invited Panel Discussion: New Research Directions in Process Monitoring. INFORMS Annual Conference (Oct 2005).
Hu, J, Runger, George, Tuv, E. Contributors to a Signal from an Artificial Contrast. ICINCO 2005 - Second International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotic (Sep 2005).
Hu, J., Runger, George, Tuv, E. Self-Learning of Decision Rules for Statistical Process Control. the National Science Foundation Conference for Design, Manufacturing and Industrial Innovation
Polanco, J., Villalobos, Jesus, Runger, George, Kempf, K. The Pricing of Capacity Options Contracts. IIE Annual Conference
Hu, J., Runger, George, Tuv, E. Self-Learning of Decision Rules for Statistical Process Control. the National Science Foundation Conference for Design, Manufacturing and Industrial Innovation
Borisov, A., Runger, George, Eugene, T. Contributor Diagnostics for Process Monitors from Artificial Contrasts. Data Mining Workshop, INFORMS National Conference
Hu, J., Runger, George, Tuv, E. Self-Learning of Decision Rules for Statistical Process Control. the National Science Foundation CMMI Conference
Runger, George. Data Mining Research. Weyerhaeuser Research Meeting
Runger, George, Tuv, E. Feature Selection with Ensembles for Complex Systems. the National Science Foundation CMMI Conference
Tuv, E., Runger, George. Fault Diagnosis with Supervised Learning. 9th European Advanced Equipment Control/ Advanced Process Control AEC/APC Conference
Runger, George, Jeong, M. Data Mining/Statistical Modeling and Process Monitoring: Wavelets, Data Mining, and Statistical Modeling. INFORMS National Conference
Dean's personnel advisory committee, Member (2006 - Present)
Biomedical informatics, Participant in workshop (2006 - Present)
Journal of Quality Technology, Department Editor (2006 - Present)
Journal of Machine Learning Research, Reviewer (2006 - Present)
Management Science, Reviewer (2006 - Present)
Leader of new ASU Data Mining Cluster, Data mining concentrations (2005 - Present)
National Science Foundation, Review panel member (2005 - Present)
Chair search committee, Hiring (2005 - Present)
INFORMS, Session Co-Chair for Data Mining for Manufacturing and Logistics (2005 - Present)
Operation Research, Review (2005 - Present)
INFORMS, Advisory Committee of the Data Mining Section (2004 - Present)
Member Fulton Schools of Engineering Applied Math Planning Committee, Committee member (2003 - Present)
Industrial Engineering, Co-Director of Quality and Reliability Engineering Laboratory (2001 - Present)
Engineering Curriculum Committee-Subcommittee on mathematics and engineering mathematics courses, Committee for Fulton School of Engineering mathematics curriculum (2000 - Present)
Europen Journal of Operations Research, Reviewer (2000 - Present)
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Reviewer (2000 - Present)
Journal of Applied Statistics, Reviewer (2000 - Present)
Industrial Engineering, Co-Director of laboratory for Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing (1996 - Present)
Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, Associate editor (1996 - Present)
Communications in Statistics, Reviewer (1995 - Present)
IIE Transactions, Reviewer (1995 - Present)
International Journal of Prodcution Research, Reviewer (1995 - Present)
Technometrics, Reviewer (1995 - Present)
Journal of Quality Technology, Associate editor (1990 - Present)
INFORMS, Organizing Committee Member for First Artifical Intelligence and Data Mining Workshop (2005 - 2006)