Steve Desch is a professor of astrophysics in the School of Earth and Space Exploration at ASU. His research focuses on developing models of star and planet formation, using data from meteoritics and planetary science. He especially studies the origins of chondrules and meteorites. He also works in the fields of exoplanets and astrobiology and is Principal Investigator (PI) of the NASA-funded NExSS grant to study geochemical cycles on exoplanets to aid searches for signs of life on other planets. He has modeled small icy bodies to explore the likelihood of subsurface water on Pluto and its moon, Charon, the asteroid Ceres, and others. He has recently advocated the concept of Arctic Ice Management, to study how to increase sea ice in the Arctic in response to climate change. Asteroid 9926 Desch is named after him.
Ph.D. Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 1998
M.S. Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago 1992
MS. Physics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1991
B.S. Physics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1990
C. A. Ellinger, P. A. Young & S. J. Desch. Collateral effects on solar nebula oxygen isotopes due to injection of 26Al by a nearby supernova. The Astrophysical Journal (2010).
M. A. Morris, & S. J. Desch. Thermal histories of chondrules in solar nebula shocks. The Astrophysical Journal (2010).
Ouellette, N., Desch, S. J., & Hester, J. J. Injection of supernova dust into nearby protoplanetary disks. The Astrophysical Journal (2010).
S. B. Porter, S. J. Desch & J. C. Cook. Micrometeorite impact annealing of ice in the outer solar system. Icarus (2010).
S. J. Desch, M. A. Morris, H. C. Connolly, Jr., & A. P. Boss. A critical examination of the X-wind model of chondrule and CAI formation and radionuclide production. The Astrophysical Journal (2010).
C. Ellinger, P. A. Young, & S. J. Desch. Isotopic effects of supernova 26Al injected into the forming solar system, and observable proxies for 26Al in supernova remnants. Astrobiology Science Conference 2010 (2010).
L. Pan, S. Desch, E. Scannapieco & F. Timmes. Mixing of supernova ejecta into molecular clouds. Astrobiology Science Conference 2010 (2010).
M. A. Morris, S. J. Desch & F. J. Ciesla. Preliminary assessment of chondrule cooling rates in planetesimal bow shocks, including the heating effects of H2 recombination. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 41 (2010).
M. A. Morris, S. J. Desch, & F. J. Ciesla. Assessment of chondrule cooling rates in planetesimal bow shocks. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, Abstracts (2010).
M. J. Wick, R. A. Jones, M. A. Morris & S. J. Desch. Formation conditions of Type I chondrules: Comparison of experimentally determined cooling rates with the shock wave model for chondrule formation. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, Abstracts (2010).
M. V. Lesniak & S. J. Desch. The effects of layered accretion in protoplanetary disks on midplane temperatures. Proceedings, Disks, Meteorites and Planetesimals Workshop (2010).
N. Ouellette & S. J. Desch. Injection of clumpy supernova ejecta into protoplanetary disks. Proceedings, Disks, Meteorites and Planetesimals Workshop (2010).
P. Scowen and 19 co-authors (including S. J. Desch). The HORUS Observatory - a next generation mission to study planetary, stellar and galactic formation. American Astronomical Society (2010).
P. Scowen, R. Jansen & 22 co-authors (including S. J. Desch). Design and implementation of the NUV/optical widefield Star Formation Camera for the Theia observatory. Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2010: Optical, Infrared and Millimeter Wave (Proceedings of the SPIE) (2010).
S. J. Desch & S. B. Porter. Amphritrite: A twist on Triton's capture. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 41 (2010).
S. J. Desch, M. A. Morris & H. C. Connolly. A critical examination of the X wind model for the formation of chondrules and CAIs. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 41 (2010).
S. J. Desch, M. A. Morris, H. C. Connolly, Jr., & A. P. Boss. The importance of experiments: Constraints on chondrule formation models. Proceedings, Chondrules: Their role in solar system history (2010).
T. Athanassiadou, S. J. Desch, B. Fields, N. Ouellette & F. Timmes. Supernova dust injection into our solar system: Then and now. Astrobiology Science Conference 2010 (2010).
T. Athanassiadou, S. J. Desch, B. Fields, N. Ouellette & F. Timmes. Supernova dust injection into our solar system: Then and now. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, Abstracts (2010).
Christopher R. Glein, Steven J. Desch & Everett L. Shock. The absence of endogenic methane on Titan and its implications for the origin of atmospheric nitrogen. Icarus (2009).
James R. Lyons, Edwin A. Bergin, Fred J. Ciesla, Andrew M. Davis, Steven J. Desch, K. Hashizume & J.-E. Lee. Timescales for the evolution of oxygen isotope compositions in the solar nebula. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (2009).
Keely D. Snider, J. Jeff Hester, Steven J. Desch, Kevin R. Healy & John Bally. Spitzer Observations of The H II Region NGC 2467: An Analysis of Triggered Star Formation. The Astrophysical Journal (2009).
Melissa A. Morris & Steven J. Desch. Phyllosilicate Emission from Protoplanetary Disks: Is the Indirect Detection of Extrasolar Water Possible?. Astrobiology (2009).
Melissa A. Morris, Steven J. Desch & Fred J. Ciesla. Cooling of Dense Gas by H2O Line Emission and an Assessment of its Effects In Chondrule-forming Shocks. The Astrophysical Journal (2009).
Miriam A. Riner, Paul G. Lucey, Steven J. Desch & Francis M. McCubbin. Nature of opaque components on Mercury: Insights into a Mercurian magma ocean. Geophysical Research Letters (2009).
Nicolas Ouellette, Steven J. Desch, Martin Bizzarro, Alan P. Boss, Fred J. Ciesla & Brad S. Meyer. Injection mechanisms of short-lived radionuclides and their homogenization. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (2009).
Steven J. Desch, Jason C. Cook, Thomas C. Doggett & Simon B. Porter. Thermal evolution of Kuiper belt objects, with implications for cryovolcanism. Icarus (2009).
Cook, J. C.; Olkin, C. B.; Desch, S. J.; Mastrapa, R. M.; Roush, T. L.; Verbiscer, A. J. Examination of the K-Band Spectrum of Charon: Possible Evidence for Multiple Ammonia Ices. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XL), held March 23-27, 2009 in The Woodlands, Texas (2009).
Ellinger, C. I.; Young, P. A.; Desch, S. J. Solar System Shifts in Oxygen Isotopes Associated with Supernova Injection of Aluminum 26. 72nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, held July 13-18, 2009 in Nancy, France. Published in Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement., p.5385 (2009).
Fedkin, A. V.; Meyer, B. S.; Grossman, L.; Desch, S. J. Condensation in Supernova Ejecta at High Spatial Resolution. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XL), held March 23-27, 2009 in The Woodlands, Texas (2009).
Glein, Christopher; Desch, S.; Shock, E. Titan's Methane as a Primordial Chemical Species. American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #41, 33.07 (2009).
Jansen, Rolf; Scowen, P.; Beasley, M.; SFC Science Team:; Calzetti, D.; Desch, S.; Fullerton, A.; Gallagher, J.; Malhotra, S.; McCaughrean, M.; Nikzad, S.; O'Connell, R.; Oey, S.; Padgett, D.; Rhoads, J.; Roberge, A.; Siegmund, O.; Smith, N.; Stern, D.; Tumlinson, J.; Windhorst, R.; Woodruff, R. From Cosmic Dawn to Our Solar System: Design Reference Science Program for the Star Formation Camera aboard the Theia Space Telescope. American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #213, #458.03 (2009).
Lesniak, Michael V., III; Desch, S. J. The Effects of Layered Accretion upon Protoplanetary Disks. American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #214, #605.04 (2009).
Morris, M. A.; Desch, S. J.; Ciesla, F. J. Thermal Histories of Chondrules in Solar Nebula Shocks. 72nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, held July 13-18, 2009 in Nancy, France. Published in Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement., p.5423 (2009).
Morris, M. A.; Desch, S. J.; Ciesla, F. J. Tying Up Loose Ends in Chondrule Formation by Shocks. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XL), held March 23-27, 2009 in The Woodlands, Texas (2009).
Morris, Melissa A.; Desch, S. J.; Ciesla, F. J. Cooling of Dense Gas by H2O Line Emission and an Assessment of its Effects In Chondrule-forming Shocks. American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #213, #441.05 (2009).
Perret, Beatrice; Timmes, F. X.; Desch, S. J. Supernova Bullet Impinging on Molecular Cloud. American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #213, #604.10 (2009).
Porter, Simon; Desch, S.; Cook, J. Micrometeorite Annealing of Solar System Icy Objects. American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #41, #65.08 (2009).
Riner, M. A.; Lucey, P. G.; Desch, S. J.; McCubbin, F. M. Opaques in Mercury's Crust: Additional Evidence for a Low-FeO Magma Ocean. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XL), held March 23-27, 2009 in The Woodlands, Texas (2009).
Scowen, Paul A.; Jansen, R.; Beasley, M.; Macenka, S.; Shaklan, S.; Calzetti, D.; Desch, S.; Fullerton, A.; Gallagher, J.; Malhotra, S.; McCaughrean, M.; Nikzad, S.; O'Connell, R.; Oey, S.; Padgett, D.; Rhoads, J.; Roberge, A.; Siegmund, O.; Smith, N.; Stern, D.; Tumlinson, J.; Windhorst, R.; Woodruff, R.; Spergel, D.; Sembach, K. Design and Implementation of the Widefield High-resolution UV/Optical Star Formation Camera for the THEIA Mission. American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #213, #458.02 (2009).
Scowen, Paul; Jansen, Rolf; Beasley, Matthew; Calzetti, Daniela; Desch, Steven; Gallagher, John; McCaughrean, Mark; O'Connell, Robert; Oey, Sally; Padgett, Deborah; Roberge, Aki; Smith, Nathan. Understanding Global Galactic Star Formation. Astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, Science White Papers, no. 267 (2009).
Scowen, Paul; Jansen, Rolf; Beasley, Matthew; Desch, Steve; Fullerton, Alex; McCaughrean, Mark; Oey, Sally; Padgett, Debbie; Roberge, Aki; Smith, Nathan. From Protostars to Planetary Systems: FUV Spectroscopy of YSOs, Protoplanetary Disks and Extrasolar Giant Planets. Astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, Science White Papers (2009).
Goldenson, N., Desch, S. & Christensen, P. Non-equilibrium between gas and dust temperatures in the Mars atmosphere. Geophysical Research Letters (2008).
Riner, M.A., Robinson, M.S., Bina, C.R. & Desch, S.J. The internal structure of Mercury--The implications of a molten core. J. Geophysical Research (2008).
Riner, M.A., Robinson, M.S., Eckart, J.M. & Desch, S.J. Global survey of color units on 433 Eros: Implications for regolith processes and asteroid environments. Icarus (2008).
Desch, S.J. Mass Distribution and Planet Formation in the Solar Nebula. Astrophysical Journal (2007).
J Cook, Steven Desch, T Roush, C Trujillo, T Geballe. Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Charon: Possible Evidence for Cryovolcanism on Kuiper Belt Objects. Ap. J (2007).
Ouellette, N., Desch, S.J., & Hester, J.J. Interaction of Supernova Ejecta with Protoplanetary Disks. Astrophysical Journal (2007).
Wadhwa, M., Amelin, Y., Davis, A.M., Lugmair, G.W., Meyer, B., Gounelle, M. & Desch, S.J. From Dust to Planetesimals: Implications for the Solar Protoplanetary Disk from Short-Lived Radionuclides in Meteorites. In Protostars and Planets V, eds. B. Reipurth, D. Jewitt & K. Keil (University of Arizona: Tucson) (2007).
Wooden, D., Desch, S.J., Harker, D., Gail, H.-P., & Keller, L. omet Grains and Implications for Heating and Radial Mixing in the Protoplanetary Disk. In Protostars and Planets V, eds. B. Reipurth, D. Jewitt & K. Keil (University of Arizona: Tucson) (2007).
Wadhwa, M,Amelin, Y,Lugmair, G W,Meyer, B,Gounelle, M,Desch, Steven. From Dust to Planetesimals: Implications for the Solar Protoplanetary Disk from Short-Lived Radionuclides in Meteorites. Protostars and Planets V (2007).
Wooden, D,Desch, Steven,Harker, D,Gail, H P,Keller, L. Comet Grain and Implications for Heating and Radial Mixing in the Protoplanetary Disk. Protostars and Planets V (2007).
Connolly, H.C., Desch, S.J., Ash, R.D., & Jones, R.H. Transient Heating Events in the Protoplanetary Nebula. In Meteorites and the Early Solar System II, eds. D. Lauretta & H.Y. McSween, Jr. (University of Arizona: Tucson) (2006).
Steven Desch, N Ouellette. Comment on "Li and Be isotopic variations in an Allende CAI: Evidence for the in situ decay of short-lived 10Be and for the possible presence of the short-lived nuclide 7Be in the early solar system". Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (2006).
Connolly, H C,Desch, Steven,Ash, R D,Jones, R H. Transient Heating Events in the Protoplanetary Nebula. Meteorites and the Early Solar System II (2006).
Desch, Steven. How to Make a Chondrule. (2006).
Desch, S.J., Ciesla, F.J., Hood, L.L., & Nakamoto, T. Heating of Chondritic Materials in Solar Nebula Shocks. In Chondrites and the Protoplanetary Disk, eds. A. Krot, E. Scott & B. Reipurth (ASP Conference Series 341) (2005).
Hester, J.J., & Desch S.J. Understanding our Origins: Star Formation in H II Regions. In Chondrites and the Protoplanetary Disk, eds. A. Krot, E. Scott & B. Reipurth (ASP Conference Series 341) (2005).
Ouellette, N., Desch, S.J., Hester, J.J. & Leshin, L.A. A Supernova Injected Radionuclides into our Protoplanetary Disk. In Chondrites and the Protoplanetary Disk, eds. A. Krot, E. Scott & B. Reipurth (ASP COnference Series 341) (2005).
Desch, Steven, Ciesla, F, Hood, L, Nakamoto, T. Heating of Chondritic Material in Solar Nebula Shocks. (2005).
Hester, J, Desch, Steven. Understanding our Origins: Star Formation in H II Regions. (2005).
Ouellette, N, Desch, Steven, Hester, J, Leshin, L. A Supernova Injected Radionuclides into our Protoplanetary Disk. (2005).
H Connolly, Steven Desch. On the Origin of the Kleine Kugelchen called Chondrules. Chemie der Erde (2004).
Steven Desch. Linear Analysis of the Magnetorotational Instability, Including Ambipolar Diffusion, with Application to Protoplanetary Disks. Astrophysical Journal (2004).
Steven Desch, H Connolly, G Srinivasan. An Interstellar Origin for the Beryllium 10 in Calcium-rich, Aluminum-rich Inclusions. Astrophysical Journal (2004).
Desch, Steven. Astromineralogy: Dust in another Solar System. (2004).
Hester, J, Desch, Steven, Healy, K, Leshin, L. The Cradle of the Solar System. (2004).
D Harker, Steven Desch. Annealing of Silicate Dust by Nebular Shocks at 10 AU. Ap. J (2002).
Desch, S.J., Borucki, W.J., Russell, C.T. & Bar-Nun, A. Progress in Planetary Lightning. Reports on Progress in Physics (2002).
M Kress, Steven Desch, C Dateo, G Benedix. Shock Processing of Interstellar Nitrogen Compounds in the Solar Nebula. Adv. Sp. Res (2002).
Steven Desch, H Connolly. A Model of the Thermal Processing of Particles in Solar Nebula Shocks: Application to the Cooling Rates of Chondrules. Metic. & Planet. Sci (2002).
Desch, Steven, Borucki, W, Russell, C, Bar-Nun, A. Progress in Planetary Lightning. (2002).
Steven Desch, T Mouschovias. The Magnetic Decoupling Stage of Star Formation. Ap. J (2001).
A Meibom, Steven Desch, A Krot, J Cuzzi, M Petaev, L Wilson, K Keil. Large-Scale Thermal Events in the Solar Nebula: Evidence from Fe,Ni Metal Grains in Primitive Meteorites. Science (2000).
Steven Desch, J Cuzzi. The Generation of Lightning in the Solar Nebula. Icarus (2000).
Research Activity
Desch,Steven*. ICY WORLDS: Astrobiology at the Rock-Water Interface and Beyond. JPL(7/17/2015 - 7/16/2016).
Desch,Steven*. Constraining the Origin of Jupiter's Trojans by In Situ Measurement of Volatiles Minerals and Ices. CA INST OF TECHNOLOGY(5/1/2015 - 10/31/2015).
Desch,Steven*. Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Solar Nebula Magnetic Fields. MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECHNOLO(3/31/2015 - 3/30/2018).
Desch,Steven*. Coupling Geochemistry to Geophysics in Dwarf Planet Evolution Models. NASA-GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CTR(9/1/2014 - 8/31/2016).
Desch,Steven*. Coupling Geochemistry to Geophysics in Dwarf Planet Evolution Models. NASA-GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CTR(8/28/2014 - 8/27/2017).
Desch,Steven*. Chondrule formation in solar nebula shocks: Probing the conditions during chondrule formation and the sources of shocks. NASA-GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CTR(3/29/2010 - 6/30/2014).
Scowen,Paul Andrew*, Desch,Steven, Jansen,Rolf A, Rhoads,James Ely, Windhorst,Rogier A. The Star Formation Observatory (SFO) Mission to Study Cosmic Origins Near and Far. NASA-GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CTR(3/28/2008 - 3/27/2010).
Desch,Steven*, Desch,Steven*. Modeling of the Charging and Transport of Dust in Martian and Terrestrial Dust Devils: Does Mars Have Lightening?. NASA-GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CTR(5/1/2006 - 4/30/2010).
Desch,Steven*, Desch,Steven*. Transient Heating of Protoplanetary Disk Material by Shocks. NASA-GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CTR(3/1/2006 - 5/14/2010).
Desch,Steven*. Dust Transport and Charging in Martian and Terrestrial Dust Devils. JPL(9/13/2005 - 8/31/2007).
Morse,Jon A*, Beasley,Matthew Nelson, Desch,Steven, Hester,John Jeffrey, Jansen,Rolf A, Scowen,Paul Andrew, Windhorst,Rogier A. HORUS: High Orbit Ultraviolet-Visible Satellite. NASA-GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CTR(9/15/2004 - 9/14/2005).
S. J. Desch. Cryovolcanism on Charon and Other Kuiper Belt Objects. Hawaii Space Lecture Series, U Hawaii, Honolulu (Sep 2010).
S. J. Desch. Mass Distribution and Planet Formation in the Solar Nebula. Colloquium, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, U. Hawaii, Honolulu (Sep 2010).
S. J. Desch, M. A. Morris, H. C. Connolly, jr. & A. P. Boss. The importance of experiments: Constraints on chondrule formation models. Chondrules: Their role in solar system history. Workshop, New York City, NY (Jul 2010).
T. Athanassiadou, S. J. Desch, B. Fields, N. Ouellette & F. Timmes. Supernova dust injection into our solar system: Then and now. 73rd Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (Jul 2010).
M. J. Wick, R. A. Jones, M. A. Morris & S. J. Desch. Formation conditions of Type I chondrules: Comparison of experimentally determined cooling rates with the shock wave model for chondrule formation. 73rd Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (Jul 2010).
M. A. Morris, S. J. Desch & F. J. Ciesla. Assessment of chondrule cooling rates in planetesimal bow shocks, including H2 recombination. 73rd Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, New York NY (Jul 2010).
M. V. Lesniak & S. J. Desch. The e?ects of layered accretion in protoplanetary disks on midplane temperatures. Disks, Meteorites and Planetesimals Workshop, New York City, NY (Jul 2010).
N. Ouellette & S. J. Desch. Injection of clumpy supernova ejecta into protoplanetary disks. Disks, Meteorites and Planetesimals Workshop, New York City, NY (Jul 2010).
P. Scowen & 23 co-authors. Design and Implementation of the NUV/optical wide?eld Star Formation Camera for the Theia observatory. Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2010: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave (Jul 2010).
T. Athanassiadou, S. J. Desch, B. Fields, N. Ouellette & F. Timmes. Supernova dust injection into our solar system: Then and now. Astrobiology Science Conference 2010, Houston, TX (Apr 2010).
L. Pan, S. J. Desch, E. Scannapieco & F. Timmes. Mixing of supernova ejecta into molecular clouds. Astrobiology Science Conference 2010, Houston, TX (Apr 2010).
C. A. Ellinger, P. A. Young & S. J. Desch. Isotopic e?ects of supernova Al 26 injected into the forming solar system, and observable proxies for Al 26 in supernova remnants. Astrobiology Science Conference 2010, Houston, TX (Apr 2010).
S. J. Desch & S. B. Porter. Amphitrite: A twist on Triton's capture. 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX (Mar 2010).
M. A. Morris, S. J. Desch & F. J. Ciesla. Preliminary assessment of chondrule cooling rates in planetesimal bow shocks, including the heating e?ects of H2 recombination. 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX (Mar 2010).
S. J. Desch. Mass Distribution and Planet Formation in the Solar Nebula. Colloquium, Dept Physics and Astronomy, San Jose State Univ., San Jose CA (Mar 2010).
S. J. Desch. Mass Distribution and Planet Formation in the Solar Nebula. Colloquium, Dept. Physics and Astronomy, San Francisco State Univ., San Francisco CA (Mar 2010).
S. J. Desch, M. A. Morris & H. C. Connolly, Jr. A critical examination of the X wind model of chondrule and CAI formation and radionuclide formation. 41st Lunar and Planet Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX (Mar 2010).
P. Scowen & 23 co-authors. The HORUS Observatory - a next generation mission to study planetary, stellar and galactic formation. 215th American Astronomical Society Mtg, Washington DC (Jan 2010).
Glein, Christopher; Desch, S.; Shock, E. Titan's Methane as a Primordial Chemical Specie. American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #41 (Sep 2009).
Porter, Simon; Desch, S.; Cook, J. Micrometeorite Annealing of Solar System Icy Objects. American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #41 (Sep 2009).
Ellinger, C. I.; Young, P. A.; Desch, S. J. Solar System Shifts in Oxygen Isotopes Associated with Supernova Injection of Aluminum 26. 72nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (Jul 2009).
Morris, M. A.; Desch, S. J.; Ciesla, F. J. Thermal Histories of Chondrules in Solar Nebula Shocks. 72nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (Jul 2009).
Lesniak, Michael V., III; Desch, S. J. The Effects of Layered Accretion upon Protoplanetary Disks. American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #214 (Jun 2009).
Desch, SJ. Transient Heating of Meteoritic Materials in Solar Nebula Shocks. Colloquium, University of Rochester Physics & Astronomy Dept (May 2009).
Desch, SJ. Origins of Earth's Water. Origins Symposium, Cave Creek (Apr 2009).
Desch, SJ. The Role of Star-Forming Environment on Protoplanetary Disk Evolution. Planet Formation and Evolution: The Solar System and Extrasolar Planets, Tubingen, Germany (Mar 2009).
Fedkin, A. V.; Meyer, B. S.; Grossman, L.; Desch, S. J. Condensation in Supernova Ejecta at High Spatial Resolution. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Mar 2009).
Riner, M. A.; Lucey, P. G.; Desch, S. J.; McCubbin, F. M. Opaques in Mercury's Crust: Additional Evidence for a Low-FeO Magma Ocean. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Mar 2009).
Cook, J. C.; Olkin, C. B.; Desch, S. J.; Mastrapa, R. M.; Roush, T. L.; Verbiscer, A. J. Examination of the K-Band Spectrum of Charon: Possible Evidence for Multiple Ammonia Ices. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Mar 2009).
Morris, M. A.; Desch, S. J.; Ciesla, F. J. Tying Up Loose Ends in Chondrule Formation by Shocks. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Mar 2009).
Fedkin, A.V., Meyer, Grossman, L., Desch, S.J. Condensation in supernova ejecta at high spatial resolution. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 40 (Mar 2009).
Cook, J.C., Olkin, C.B., Desch, S.J., Mastrapa, R.M., Roush, T.L. and Verbiscer, A.J. Examination of the K-band spectrum of Charon: Possible evidence for multiple ammonia ices. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 40 (Mar 2009).
Morris, M.A., Desch, S.J., Ciesla, F.J. Tying up loose ends in chondrule formation by shocks. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Mar 2009).
Riner, M.A., Lucey, P.G., Desch, S.J. and McCubbin, F.M. Opaques in Mercury's crust: Additional evidence for a low-FeO magma ocean. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 40 (Mar 2009).
Morris, M.A., Desch, S.J., Ciesla, F.J. Cooling of dense gas by H2O line emission and an assessment of its effects in chondrule-forming shocks. American Astronomical Society mtg 213 (Jan 2009).
Scowen, P. and 24 coauthors. Design and implementation of the Widefield High-resolution UV/Optical Star Formation Camera for the THEIA mission. American Astronomical Society mtg 213 (Jan 2009).
Jansen, R. and 21 coauthors. From cosmic dawn to our Solar System: Design reference science program for the Star Formation Camera aboard the THEIA space telescope. American Astronomical Society mtg 213 (Jan 2009).
Spergel, D., and 49 coauthors. THEIA: Telescope for Habitable Exoplanets and Interstellar/Intergalactic Astronomy. American Astronomical Society mtg 213 (Jan 2009).
Morris, Melissa A, Desch, Steven J and Ciesla, Fred J. Cooling of Dense Gas by H2O Line Emission and an Assessment of its Effects In Chondrule-forming Shocks. 213th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (Jan 2009).
Scowen, Paul A.; Jansen, R.; Beasley, M.; Macenka, S.; Shaklan, S.; Calzetti, D.; Desch, S.; Fullerton, A.; Gallagher, J.; Malhotra, S.; McCaughrean, M.; Nikzad, S.; O'Connell, R.; Oey, S.; Padgett, D.; Rhoads, J.; Roberge, A.; Siegmund, O.; Smith, N.; Stern, D.; Tumlinson, J.; Windhorst, R.; Woodruff, R.; Spergel, D.; Sembach, K. Design and Implementation of the Widefield High-resolution UV/Optical Star Formation Camera for the THEIA Mission. 213th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (Jan 2009).
Jansen, Rolf; Scowen, P.; Beasley, M.; SFC Science Team:; Calzetti, D.; Desch, S.; Fullerton, A.; Gallagher, J.; Malhotra, S.; McCaughrean, M.; Nikzad, S.; O'Connell, R.; Oey, S.; Padgett, D.; Rhoads, J.; Roberge, A.; Siegmund, O.; Smith, N.; Stern, D.; Tumlinson, J.; Windhorst, R.; Woodruff, R. From Cosmic Dawn to Our Solar System: Design Reference Science Program for the Star Formation Camera aboard the Theia Space Telescope. 213th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (Jan 2009).
Spergel, David N.; Kasdin, J.; Belikov, R.; Atcheson, P.; Beasley, M.; Calzetti, D.; Cameron, B.; Copi, C.; Desch, S.; Dressler, A.; Ebbets, D.; Egerman, R.; Fullerton, A.; Gallagher, J.; Green, J.; Guyon, O.; Heap, S.; Jansen, R.; Jenkins, E.; Kasting, J.; Keski-Kuha, R.; Kuchner, M.; Lee, R.; Lindler, D.; Linfield, R.; Lisman, D.; Lyon, R.; Malhotra, S.; Mathews, G.; McCaughrean, M.; Mentzel, J.; Mountain, M.; NIkzad, S.; O'Connell, R.; Oey, S.; Padgett, D.; Parvin, B.; Procashka, J.; Reeve, W.; Reid, I. N.; Rhoads, J.; Roberge, A.; Saif, B.; Scowen, P.; Seager, S.; Seigmund, O.; Sembach, K.; Shaklan, S.; Shull, M.; Soummer, R. THEIA: Telescope for Habitable Exoplanets and Interstellar/Intergalactic Astronomy. 213th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (Jan 2009).
Perret, Beatrice; Timmes, F. X.; Desch, S. J. Supernova Bullet Impinging on Molecular Cloud. American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #213 (Jan 2009).
Scowen, P. and 21 coauthors. The Star Formation Observatory (SFO) mission to study cosmic origins near and far. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (Oct 2008).
Desch, S.J. Mass Distribution and Planet Formation in the Solar Nebula. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 39 (Mar 2008).
Snider, K.D., Hester, J.J., Desch S.J., Healy, K.R. & Bally, J. An Analysis of Triggered Star Formation in the H II Region NGC 2467. American Astronomical Society mtg 211 (Jan 2008).
Cook, J.C., Desch, S.J., Roush, T.L. Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Kuiper Belt Objects: More than just Water Ice. Amer Astron Soc Division of Planetary Sciences 39 (Oct 2007).
Morris, M.A., Desch, S.J., & Ciesla, F.J. The effect of line cooling in chondrule-forming shocks. 42nd mtg of the Meteoritical Society (Jul 2007).
Desch, S.J., & Connolly, H.C. Inti did not form in an X-wind (and neither did most CAIs). 42nd mtg of the Meteoritical Society (Jul 2007).
Ouellette, N., Desch, S.J. & Hester, J.J. Injection of Supernova Dust Grains into Protoplanetary Disks. 42nd mtg of the Meteoritical Society (Jul 2007).
Ellinger, C., Desch, S.J., & Ouellette, N. A core collapse supernova as the source of the short-lived radionuclides. 42nd mtg of the Meteoritical Society (Jul 2007).
Morris, M.A., Desch, S.J., & Ciesla, F.J. The effect of line cooling in chondrule-forming shocks. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 38 (Mar 2007).
Desch, S.J., Cook, J.C., Hawley, W. & Doggett, T.C. Cryovolcanism on Charon and other Kuiper Belt Objects. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 38 (Mar 2007).
Ouellette, N. & Desch, S.J. Injection of Supernova Dust Grains into Protoplanetary Disks. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 38 (Mar 2007).
Desch, Steven. Meteoritic Constraints on Protoplanetary Disks. From Protostellar Disks to Planetary Systems (May 2006).
Desch, Steven. Limitations on the Production of Short-Lived Radionuclides by Irradiation in the Early Solar System. 68th Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (Sep 2005).
Desch, Steven, Wilson, G. Development of a Numerical Model of Dust Charging and Transport in Dust Devils. Workshop: Dust Devils on Earth and Mars (Sep 2005).
Desch, Steven, Ouellette, N, Hester, J, Ellinger, C. Aerogel Model of Radionuclide Injection. Gordon Research Conference on Origins of Solar Systems (Jun 2005).
Desch, Steven, Ouellette, N, Hester, J. The Meaning of Iron 60: A Nearby Supernova Injected Radionuclides into our Protoplanetary Disk. 36th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Mar 2005).
Desch, Steven. Shock Heating: Effects on Chondritic Material. Chondrites and the Protoplanetary Disk Conference (Nov 2004).
Desch, Steven, leshin, Laurie. Signatures of Debris Disk Birth Environments. Disk and the Formation, Evolution and Detection of Habitable Planets conference (Jul 2004).
Scowen, P, Morse, J, Beasley, M, Hester, J, Windhorst, R, Desch, Steven, Jansen, R, Calzetti, D, Padgett, D, Hartigan, P, Oey, S, Bally, J, Gallagher, J, O'Connell, R, Kennicutt, R, Lauer, T, McCaughrean, M. A Systematic Survey of Star Formation with the ORION MIDEX Mission. American Astronomical Society Meeting (Jun 2004).
Ouellette, N, Desch, Steven. Late Injection of Radionuclides into Solar Nebula Analogs in Orion. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Mar 2004).
Desch, Steven, Leshin, Laurie. Making Water Worlds: The Importance of Aluminum 26. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Mar 2004).
Desch, Steven. Astrophysical Constraints on Chondrule Formation Theories. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 31 (Mar 2000).
Desch, Steven, Ouellette, N, Hester, J, Leshin, L. The Aerogel Model for the Origin of the Short-Lived Radionuclides in the Early Solar System. 205th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society
Desch, Steven. An Interstellar Origin for the Beryllium 10 in CAIs, and Implications for the Solar System's Birth. 203rd Meeting of American Astronomical Society
Honors / Awards
Recipient, 2003 Alfred O. Nier Prize of the Meteoritical Society.
Asteroid 9926 Desch.
Professional Associations
Meteoritical Society
American Astronomical Society
School of Earth and Space Exploration Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (?), member (2008 - Present)
School of Earth and Space Exploration Awards Committee, Member (2006 - Present)