Nicholas Stephanopoulos
Phone: 480-727-3443
Mail code: 7301Campus: Tempe
Nick was born in Athens, Greece, but grew up outside of Boston, Massachusetts. He obtained his A.B. in chemistry from Harvard University, followed by a one-year stint to earn a Master’s in chemical engineering at MIT. He then pursued doctoral studies at the University of California, Berkeley, working with Prof. Matthew Francis. His research focused on using site-specific bioconjugation chemistry to modify viral capsid nano-scaffolds, in order to create materials for energy, biomedicine, and nanotechnology. After earning his PhD in 2010, he went to Northwestern University for postdoctoral studies, supported by both NIH Ruth Kirschtein and International Institute for Nanotechnology fellowships, working with Prof. Samuel Stupp on self-assembling peptide nanomaterials and their applications to regenerative medicine.
At both Berkeley and Northwestern, Nick became interested in integrating proteins and peptides with DNA nanotechnology. In 2015, he began his independent career at Arizona State University, with a goal to merge these molecules into a new class of hybrid nanomaterials, with applications across a range of fields. In May 2021 he was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in the School of Molecular Sciences and the Biodesign Institute’s Center for Molecular Design and Biomimetics, and has affiliate appointments in Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, The Biomimicry Center, and the Global Security Initiative at ASU. Since coming to ASU, Nick has received the 2016 Air Force (AFOSR) Young Investigator Award, the 2018 Elsa U. Pardee Foundation Award for Cancer Research, the 2018 NSF CAREER Award, and the 2018 NIH New Innovator Award.
- Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley 2010
- M.S.C.E.P. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2007
- A.B. Chemistry (summa cum laude), Harvard University 2004
The common theme that underlies all our research is self-assembling hybrid protein-DNA and peptide-DNA nanomaterials. We seek to merge the programmability of DNA nanotechnology through the functionality and structural diversity of proteins, which in turn requires site-specific biological conjugates. Four broad areas of interest include:
1) Structural Protein-DNA Nanotechnology. Biological systems like cells are a marvel of self-assembling protein nanostructures, which carry out functions like signaling, mechanical support, ligand binding, or intracellular transport. Despite the great chemical diversity of proteins, however, it is still challenging to rationally design nanostructures from scratch. DNA nanotechnology, by contrast, has the advantage of programmability thanks to the specificity of Watson-Crick pairing, but at the expense of chemical and functional diversity. We aim to merge protein and DNA nanotechnology, by integrating self-assembling protein motifs such as coiled-coils, oligomeric assemblies, or protein-protein interactions with DNA nanostructures. This in turn requires the use of multiple, site-specific bioconjugation reactions to attach oligonucleotide handles to the polypeptide molecule. We also explore non-covalent approaches for modifying proteins and peptides with DNA, including protein-based interactions (e.g. coiled-coils) or completely synthetic motifs (e.g. host-guest chemistry).
We aim to create both symmetric structures like fibers, sheets, or 3D cages, and highly anisotropic materials that approach the complexity of DNA origami. We envision these hybrid materials as nanoscaffolds for targeted cargo delivery (“artificial viruses”), development of antibody mimics, as well as the synthesis of vaccines or other immune-modulatory materials, and molecular machines/“nano-bots.”
2) Protein/peptide-DNA bio(nano)materials. In addition to their fascinating structural properties, proteins and peptides have a wealth of promising functional attributes for biology and medicine. This area of lab research involves making biomaterials (such as dynamic surfaces/hydrogels) and nanomaterials (e.g. synthetic antibodies, vaccines, drug delivery vehicles) using DNA as a functional linker, or as a scaffold/therapeutic cage. We also focus on coating DNA nanostructures with peptide and protein coatings, essentially functionalizing the DNA “skeleton” with a bioactive protein/peptide “skin.” The subset of projects in this area include:
- Tissue engineering biomaterials that use DNA as a dynamic trigger to reversibly control the stiffness and presentation of (multiple) bioactive presentation in both space and time
- Synthetic antibodies that use DNA scaffolds to position binding peptides and proteins in 3D, for applications in targeting and therapeutics
- Functionalizing DNA nanostructures with proteins and peptides in order to enhance targeting, uptake, endosomal escape, and cargo delivery inside of cells
- Nanomaterials to modulate the immune response, especially through delivery of siRNA or mRNA into cells, as well as vaccine platforms
For all these projects, we collaborate extensively with biologists, engineers, and doctors to validate our materials in vitro, and eventually transition them to in vivo applications in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
3) DNA-templated synthesis of proteins and protein nanostructures. Oligonucleotides are a remarkable template for the sequence-specific synthesis of other molecules, with a prime example being mRNA translation into an amino acid polymer by the ribosome. We aim to use programmable DNA handles and scaffolds to synthesize novel materials driven by the co-localization and spatial control of the DNA to position peptides and proteins. We are investigating two key areas: (1) Synthesis of full-length proteins from individual peptide fragments via sequential, templated native chemical ligation; and (2) Synthesis of anisotropic protein nanostructures using DNA “assemblers” that position the individual components in space. Our ultimate goal is to synthesize full-length functional proteins “from scratch” (including ones that incorporate many synthetic residues) and “3D protein nano-printing” to build protein structures that approach DNA origami in complexity.
4) Self-assembled DNA crystals as macromolecular scaffolds. The foundational goal of DNA nanotechnology, as outlined by Ned Seeman in 1982, is to use self-assembling DNA strands to construct 3D crystals with defined cavities, in order to artificially “crystallize” other guest molecules like proteins. In collaboration with the lab of Prof. Hao Yan at ASU, we are exploring both the design principles for novel crystal lattices—with varying cavity sizes and symmetries—and the attachment of guest species like small molecules, catalysts, nanoparticles, peptides, and proteins in these crystals with atomic precision. These materials can be used for both structural elucidation of the guests, as well as to create novel materials from the 3D positioning of functional molecules like enzymes, catalysts, or drugs.
Independent Career (* = corresponding author):
- A. Buchberger, C.R. Simmons, N. Stephanopoulos*, “Self-assembly of hybrid peptide-DNA nanostructures using homotrimeric coiled-coil/nucleic acid building blocks” (in preparation)
- F.M. Fumasi, T. MacCulloch, N. Stephanopoulos*, J.L. Holloway*. “Temporal control of cell adhesion ligands to improve osteogenesis using a reversible in vitro DNA-based hydrogel platform” (in preparation)
- R.P. Narayananǂ, J. Procykǂ, P. Nandi, A. Prasad, Y. Xu, E. Poppleton, D. Williams, F. Zhang, H. Yan, P.-L. Chiu*, N. Stephanopoulos*, P. Sulc,* “Characterization of protein-DNA hybrid nanostructures through experiment and simulation” (in preparation; ǂ co-first authors)
- O. Lunov*, A. Frtús, B. Smolková, M. Uzhytchak, M. Lunova, M. Jirsa, S.J.W. Henry, N. Stephanopoulos, A. Dejneka, “Interactions of DNA Nanostructures with Cells: A Roadmap for Successful Applications in Biomedicine” (submitted)
- T. MacCulloch, N. Stephanopoulos*, “Proximity-enhanced synthesis of DNA-peptide-DNA triblock molecules” (in revision)
- C.R. Simmonsǂ, T. MacCullochǂ, M. Krepl, M. Matthies, A. Buchberger, I. Crawford, J. Sponer, P. Sulc, Y. Liu, N. Stephanopoulos*, H. Yan*, “A Comprehensive Structural and Computational Toolbox of Immobile Holliday Junctions for DNA-directed Self-assembly” (submitted; ǂ co-first authors)
- A.P. Liu*, E. Appel, P. Ashby, B. Baker, E. Franco, L. Guo, K. Haynes, N. Joshi, A. Kloxin, P. Kouwer, J. Mittal, L. Morsut, V. Noireaux, S. Parekh, R. Schulman, S. Tang, M. Valentine, S. Vega, W. Weber, N. Stephanopoulos*, O. Chaudhuri*, “The ‘living interface’: a bridge between synthetic biology and biomaterial” (in revision; invited perspective/review for Nature Materials)
- A. Buchberger, R.P. Narayanan, J. Bernal-Chanchavac, C.R. Simmons, K. Riker, N.E. Fahmi, R. Freeman, N. Stephanopoulos*, “Integrating proteins and DNA nanostructures using orthogonal coiled-coil peptides” (submitted)
- B.I. Martinez, G. Mousa, K. Fleck, T. MacCulloch, C.W. Diehnelt, N. Stephanopoulos, S.E. Stabenfeldt*, “Uncovering temporally sensitive targeting domains for traumatic brain injury via phage display” (submitted); pre-print on bioRxiv:
- R.P. Narayanan, A. Buchberger, L. Zou, N.E. Fahmi, H. Yan, F. Zhang M.J. Webber*, N. Stephanopoulos*, “Supramolecular polymerization of DNA nanostructures using high-affinity host-guest interactions” (submitted)
- J. Bernal-Chanchavacǂ, M. Al-Aminǂ, N. Stephanopoulos*, “Nanoscale structures and materials from the self-assembly of polypeptides and DNA” (accepted; ǂ co-first authors)
- A. Gangrade*, N. Stephanopoulos, D. Bhatia*, “Programmable, self-assembled DNA nanodevices for cellular programming and tissue engineering” Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 16834-16846.
- B. Smolková, T. MacCulloch, T. Rockwood, M. Liu, S.J.W. Henry, A. Frtús, M. Uzhytchak, M. Lunova, M. Hof, P. Jurkiewicz, A. Dejneka, N. Stephanopoulos*, O. Lunov*, “Effect of the protein corona on endosomal escape of functionalized DNA nanostructures” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 46375–46390.
- T. Yuan, Y. Shao, X. Zhou, Q. Liu, Z. Zhu, B. Zhou, Y. Dong, N. Stephanopoulos, S. Gui*, H. Yan*, D. Liu*, “Highly permeable DNA supramolecular hydrogel promotes neurogenesis and functional recovery after completely transected spinal cord injury” Adv. Mater. 2021, 33, 2102428.
- S.J.W. Henry, N Stephanopoulos*, “Functionalizing DNA nanostructures for therapeutic applications” Wiley Interdiscip. Rev. Nanomed. Nanobiotechnol. 2021, 13, e1729
- A. Buchbergerǂ, H. Sainiǂ, K.R. Eliatoǂ, R. Merkley, Y. Xu, A. Zare, J. Bernal, R. Ros*, M. Nikkhah*, N. Stephanopoulos*, “Reversible control of gelatin hydrogel stiffness using DNA crosslinkers” ChemBioChem 2021, 22, 1755-1760 (ǂ co-first authors; selected as a “Very Important Paper” by the journal)
- N. Stephanopoulos*, P. Sulc, “DNA nanodevices as mechanical probes of protein structure and function” Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 2802.
- C.R. Simmonsǂ, T. MacCullochǂ, F. Zhang, Y. Liu, N. Stephanopoulos*, H. Yan*, “Self-Assembly of a DNA Crystal Scaffold Containing Modular Cavities for the Precise Arrangement of Macromolecules” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 18619-18626. (ǂco-first authors)
- F.M. Fumasi, N. Stephanopoulos, J.L. Holloway*, “Reversible Control of Biomaterial Properties for Dynamically Tuning Cell Behavior” J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2020, 137, e49058.
- N. Stephanopoulos*, “Hybrid nanostructures from the self-assembly of proteins and DNA” Chem 2020, 6, 364-405.
- A. Buchberger, C.R. Simmons, N.E. Fahmi, R. Freeman, N. Stephanopoulos*, “Hierarchical assembly of nucleic acid/coiled-coil peptide nanostructures” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 1406-1416. (selected as “ACS Editor’s Choice” article)
- T. Mahatmanto*, I. Azizah, A, Buchberger, N. Stephanopoulos, "Progress toward sourcing plants for new bioconjugation tools: a screening evaluation of a model peptide ligase using a synthetic precursor" 3 Biotech 2019, 9, 442.
- N. Stephanopoulos*, “Peptide-DNA hybrid molecules for bioactive nanomaterials” Bioconjugate Chem. 2019, 30, 1915-1922. (selected as “ACS Editor’s Choice” article)
- N. Stephanopoulos*, “Strategies for stabilizing DNA nanostructures to biological conditions” ChemBioChem 2019, 20, 2191-2197.
- Y. Xu, S. Jiang, C. Simmons, R.P. Narayanan, F. Zhang, A.-M. Aziz, H. Yan, N. Stephanopoulos*, “Tunable nanoscale cages from self-assembling DNA and protein building blocks” ACS Nano 2019, 13, 3545–3554.
- A. Stelson, M. Liu, C. Little, C. Long, N. Orloff, N. Stephanopoulos*, J. Booth*, “Label-free detection of conformational changes in switchable DNA nanostructures with microwave microfluidics” Nat. Commun. 2019, 10, 1174.
- T. MacCullochǂ, A. Buchbergerǂ, N. Stephanopoulos*, “Emerging applications of peptide-oligonucleotide conjugates: bioactive scaffolds, self-assembling systems, and hybrid nanomaterials” Org. Biomol. Chem. 2019, 17, 1668-1682. (ǂ co-first authors)
- M. Liu, S. Jiang, O. Loza, N.E. Fahmi, P. Šulc, N. Stephanopoulos*, “Rapid photo-actuation of a DNA nanostructure using an internal photocaged trigger strand” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 9341-9345. (selected as paper for Wiley’s Joint Special Collection on Biopolymers, for the Murray Goodman Award Symposium at the 2019 ACS Spring Meeting:
- N. Stephanopoulos*, R. Freeman*, “DNA-based materials as self-assembling scaffolds for interfacing with cells” (invited book chapter), “Self-Assembling Biomaterials: Molecular Design, Characterization and Application in Biology and Medicine, 1st Edition” 2018, pp. 157-175. (Elsevier)
- L. Avolio, D. Sipes, N. Stephanopoulos, S. Sur*, “Recreating stem-cell niches using self-assembling biomaterials” (invited book chapter), “Self-Assembling Biomaterials: Molecular Design, Characterization and Application in Biology and Medicine, 1st Edition” 2018, pp. 421-454. (Elsevier)
- C. Simmons, F. Zhang, T. MacCulloch, N.E. Fahmi, N. Stephanopoulos, Y. Liu, N. Seeman, H. Yan*, “Tuning the Cavity Size and Chirality of Self-Assembling 3D DNA Crystals” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 11254-11260.
- D. Varun, G.R. Srinivaan, Y.-H. Tsai, H.-J. Kim, J. Cutts, F. Petty, R. Merkley, N. Stephanopoulos, D. Dolezalova, M. Marsala, D.A. Brafman*, “A Robust Vintronectin-Derived Peptide for the Scalable Long-term Expansion and Neuronal Differentiation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell (hPSC)-derived Neural Progenitor Cells (hNPCs)” Acta Biomater. 2017, 48, 120-130.
Postdoctoral and Graduate Research (* = co-first author):
- R. Freeman, M. Han, Z. Álvarez, J.A. Lewis, J.R. Wester, N. Stephanopoulos, M.T. McClendon, C. Lynsky, J.M. Godbe, H. Sangji, E. Luijten, S.I. Stupp, “Reversible self-assembly of superstructured networks” Science 2018, 362, 808-813.
- J.J. Greene, M.T. McClendon, N. Stephanopoulos, Z. Alvarez, S.I. Stupp, C.-P. Richter, “Electrophysiological Assessment of a Peptide Amphiphile Nanofiber Nerve Graft for Facial Nerve Repair” J. Tissue Eng. Regen. Med. 2018, 12, 1389–1401.
- A.J. Matsuoka , Z.A. Sayed, Nicholas Stephanopoulos, E.J. Berns, A.R. Wadhwani, Z.D. Morrissey, D.M. Chadly, S. Kobayashi, A.N. Edelbrock, T. Mashimo, C.A. Miller, T.L. McGuire, S.I. Stupp, J.A. Kessler “Creating a stem cell niche in the inner ear using self-assembling peptide amphiphiles” PLoS ONE 2017, 12, e0190150.
- R. Freeman*, N. Stephanopoulos*, Z. Álvarez, J.A. Lewis, S. Sur, C.M. Serrano, J. Boekhoven, S.S. Lee, S.I. Stupp, “Instructing cells with programmable DNA-peptide hybrids” Nat. Commun. 2017, 8, 15982.
- C. Rubert-Perez, N. Stephanopoulos, S.S. Lee, S. C. Newcomb, Sur, S.I. Stupp, “The Powerful Functions of Peptide-Based Bioactive Matrices for Regenerative Medicine” (invited review) Ann. Biomed. Eng. 2015, 43, 501-514.
- N. Stephanopoulos, R. Freeman, H.N. Scheler, S. Sur, S. Jeong, F. Tantakitti, J.A. Kessler, S.I. Stupp, “Bioactive DNA-Peptide Nanotubes Enhance the Differentiation of Neural Stem Cells Into Neurons” Nano Lett. 2015, 15, 603-609.
- A. Li, A. Hokugo, A. Yalom, E.J. Berns, N. Stephanopoulos, M.T. McClendon, L.A. Segovia, I. Spigelman, S.I. Stupp, R. Jarrahy., “A bioengineered peripheral nerve construct using aligned peptide amphiphile nanofibers” Biomaterials 2014, 35, 8780-8790.
- J. Sack, N. Stephanopoulos, D.C. Austin, M.B. Francis, J.S. Trimmer, “Antibody-guided photoablation of voltage-gated potassium channels” J. Gen. Physiol. 2013, 142, 315-324.
- N. Stephanopoulos, J.H. Ortony, S.I. Stupp, “Self-Assembly for the Synthesis of Functional Biomaterials” (invited review) Acta Materialia (special Diamond Jubilee Issue), 2013, 61, 912-930.
- N. Stephanopoulos, M.B. Francis, “Making New Materials from Viral Capsids” (invited book chapter) “Polymer Science: A Comprehensive Reference, 1st Edition” 2012, Vol. 9, pp. 247-266. (Elsevier)
- N. Stephanopoulos, M.B. Francis, “Choosing an Effective Protein Bioconjugation Strategy” (invited review) Nat. Chem. Biol. 2011, 7, 876-884.
- P.G. Holder, D.T. Finley, N. Stephanopoulos, R. Walton, D.S. Clark, M.B. Francis, “Dramatic Thermal Stability of Virus-Polymer Conjugates in Hydrophobic Solvents” Langmuir 2010, 26, 17383–17388.
- N. Stephanopoulos, G.J. Tong, S.C. Hsiao, M.B. Francis, “Dual-Surface Modified Virus Capsids for Targeted Delivery of Photodynamic Agents to Cancer Cells” ACS Nano, 2010, 4, 6014-6020.
- N. Stephanopoulos*, M. Liu*, G.J. Tong, Z. Li, Y. Liu, H. Yan, M.B. Francis, “Immobilization and One-Dimensional Arrangement of Virus Capsids with Nanoscale Precision Using DNA Origami” Nano Lett. 2010, 10, 2714-2720.
- R.A. Miller, N. Stephanopoulos, J.M. McFarland, A.S. Rosko, P.L. Geissler, M.B. Francis, “The Impact of Assembly State on the Defect Tolerance of TMV-based Light Harvesting Arrays” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 6068-6074.
- N. Stephanopoulos, Z.M. Carrico, M.B. Francis, “Nanoscale Integration of Sensitizing Chromophores and Porphyrins Using Bacteriophage MS2” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 121, 9662-9666.
- N. Stephanopoulos, E.O.P. Solis, G. Stephanopoulos, “Nanoscale process systems engineering: Toward molecular factories, synthetic cells, and adaptive devices” (invited perspective) AIChE J. 2005, 51, 1858-1869.
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BCH 493 | Honors Thesis |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
CHM 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CHM 493 | Honors Thesis |
MBB 495 | Undergraduate Research |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
CHM 598 | Special Topics |
CHM 598 | Special Topics |
CHM 494 | Special Topics |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BCH 493 | Honors Thesis |
CHM 233 | General Organic Chemistry I |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
CHM 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
CHM 493 | Honors Thesis |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MBB 495 | Undergraduate Research |
CHM 501 | Current Topics in Chemistry |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 233 | General Organic Chemistry I |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MBB 495 | Undergraduate Research |
CHM 433 | Advanced Organic Chemistry I |
CHM 433 | Advanced Organic Chemistry I |
CHM 531 | Advanced Organic Chemistry I |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 501 | Current Topics in Chemistry |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MBB 495 | Undergraduate Research |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MBB 495 | Undergraduate Research |
CHM 598 | Special Topics |
CHM 494 | Special Topics |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 233 | General Organic Chemistry I |
CHM 233 | General Organic Chemistry I |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MBB 495 | Undergraduate Research |
CHM 598 | Special Topics |
Invited Conference Presentations and Seminars
- “Hybrid self-assembled nanomaterials from proteins, peptides, and DNA” U. Michigan; Jan. 7, 2022
- “Hybrid self-assembled nanomaterials from proteins, peptides, and DNA” U. Mass Amherst; Oct. 7, 2021
- “Hybrid self-assembled nanomaterials from proteins, peptides, and DNA” Frontiers in Global Science Seminar, Royal Scientific Society of Jordan; August 10, 2021 (via Zoom due to Covid-19 pandemic)
- “Supramolecular polymerization of DNA origami nanostructures with peptides, proteins, and small molecules” ACS National Meeting; April 9, 2021 (online due to Covid-19 pandemic)
- “Hybrid nanomaterials from proteins, peptides, and DNA” Institute of Physical Chemistry at University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany; January 26, 2021 (via Zoom due to Covid-19 pandemic)
- “Hybrid self-assembled nanomaterials from proteins, peptides, and DNA” Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany; August 4, 2020 (via Zoom due to Covid-19 pandemic)
- “Protein-DNA nanotechnology” Institute for Protein Design, Seattle WA; March 12, 2020 (via Zoom due to Covid-19 pandemic)
- “Hybrid self-assembled nanomaterials from proteins, peptides, and DNA” California Institute of Technology, Pasadena CA; March 9, 2020
- “Rapid photo-actuation of a DNA nanostructure using an internal photocaged trigger strand” APS National Meeting, Denver CO; March 2, 2020 (online due to Covid-19)
- Hybrid self-assembled nanomaterials from proteins, peptides, and DNA” Technische Universität München (Technical University of Munich), Munich, Germany; January 10, 2020
- Hybrid self-assembled nanomaterials from proteins, peptides, and DNA” Fyzikální Ústav AV ČR, (FZU; Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences), Prague, Czech Republic; January 7, 2020
- “Hybrid self-assembled nanomaterials from proteins, peptides, and DNA” Wyss Institute (Harvard University), Cambridge MA; December 2, 2019
- “Hybrid self-assembled nanomaterials from proteins, peptides, and DNA” Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York NY; November 26, 2019
- “Hybrid self-assembled nanomaterials from proteins, peptides, and DNA” Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD; October 31, 2019
- “Hybrid self-assembled nanomaterials from proteins, peptides, and DNA” University of California, San Diego, San Diego CA; October 28, 2019
- “Hybrid self-assembled nanomaterials from proteins, peptides, and DNA” University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill NC; October 22, 2019
- “Hybrid self-assembled nanomaterials from proteins, peptides, and DNA” Institute for Molecular Engineering, Chicago IL; October 18, 2019
- “Hybrid self-assembled nanomaterials from proteins, peptides, and DNA” McGill University, Montreal Canada; October 1, 2019
- “Hybrid self-assembled nanomaterials from proteins, peptides, and DNA” The Ohio State University, Columbus OH; September 20, 2019
- “Hybrid self-assembled nanomaterials from proteins, peptides, and DNA” Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA; September 13, 2019
- “Hybrid self-assembled nanomaterials from proteins, peptides, and DNA” Macromolecules Innovation Institute, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA; September 11, 2019
- “Hybrid peptide/protein-DNA nanomaterials for medicine and biology” 10th International Nanomedicine Conference, Sydney, Australia; June 24, 2019
- “Hybrid nanomaterials through the self-assembly of coiled-coil peptides and DNA nanostructures” ACS National Meeting, Orlando, FL; April 3, 2019
- “DNA nanoscaffolds for molecular machines, structures, and biomaterials,” ASU BME Seminar, Tempe AZ; October 12, 2018
- “Light-triggered self-assembly and actuation of DNA nanostructures using photocaged nucleotides,” ACS National Meeting, San Francisco CA; April 5, 2017
- “Peptide-DNA Hybrids for Dynamic, Programmable Control of Biomaterials,” ASU Molecular, Cellular, and Tissue Bioengineering (MCTB) Symposium, Tempe AZ; April 2, 2016
- “Instructing cells with programmable peptide-DNA extracellular matrices,” University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, China; December 7, 2015