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Campus: Dtphx
Long Bio
Charles Katz is the Watts Endowed Family Chair of the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice and Director of the Center for Violence Prevention and Community Safety at Arizona State University. Much of his work focuses on police transformation and strategic responses to crime. From 2004 to 2010, he worked under contract with the Ministry of National Security of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to develop a comprehensive strategic plan to reform the Trinidad and Tobago Police Services. Since then he has completed a project funded by the United Nations Development (UNDP) program to assess citizen insecurity throughout the Caribbean; and completed work for the Eastern Caribbean’s Regional Security System (RSS) to diagnose the gang problem in nine Caribbean nations and developing a regional approach to responding to gangs. He has completed several research projects for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and USAID in El Salvador and is currently working in Honduras to evaluate a violence prevention and intervention program.
Ph.D. Criminal Justice, University of Nebraska-Omaha 1997
M.A. Criminal Justice, University of Nebraska-Omaha 1994
B.S. Justice Systems, Truman State University 1991
Policing, gangs, violence, body worn cameras, public policy, program evaluation
Armstrong, Todd, Charles M. Katz, and Stephen Schnebly. The relationship between citizen perceptions of collective efficacy, crime, and victimization. Crime & Delinquency (2015).
Armstrong, Todd, Gaylene S. Armstrong, and Charles M. Katz. Testing the influence of community characteristics on school misconduct. Justice Quarterly (2015).
Fox, Andrew, Charles M. Katz, David E. Choate, Eric C. Hedberg. Evaluation of the Phoenix TRUCE Project: A Replication of Chicago CeaseFire. Justice Quarterly (2015).
Katz, Charles M. and Enrique Amaya, Luis. The Gang Truce as a Form of Violence Intervention. FUNDE: San Salvador. Report submited to FUNDE, San Salvador (2015).
Katz, Charles M. and Lidia Nuno. Diagnosing Your Community’s Gang Problem: Avoid the Kitchen Sink Approach. National Gang Center Fall 2015 Newsletter (2015).
Katz, Charles M. Mike Kurtenbach, David E. Choate, and Michael D. White,. Phoenix, Arizona, Smart Policing Initiative: Evaluating the Impact of Police Officer Body-Worn Cameras. Bureau of Justice Assistance & CNA (2015).
Maguire, Edward, William King, William Wells, and Charles Katz. Potential unintended consequences of the movement toward forensic laboratory independence. Police Quarterly (2015).
Taylor, Melanie, Scott Decker and Charles Katz. Statewide Responses to a Proposed Realignment of Juvenile Corrections in Arizona. Criminal Justice Review, (2015).
Harriott, Anthony and Charles M. Katz. Gangs in the Caribbean: Responses of State and Society. (2015).
Differences in gang membership, delinquency, and victimization among school youth from Trinidad and Tobago and the United States. Katz, Charles M. and Andrew Fox. Gangs in the Caribbean: Responses of State and Society (2015).
Katz, Charles M. An introduction to gangs and gang violence in the Caribbean. Gangs in the Caribbean: Responses of State and Society (2015).
Katz, Charles M. and Edward Maguire. Diagnosing gang violence in the Caribbean. Gangs in the Caribbean: Responses of State and Society (2015).
King, William, William Wells, Charles Katz, Edward Maguire, and James Frank. "Research in Brief: Using NIBIN ballistic imaging hits for the strategic targeting of violent criminal networks." Police Chief Magazine (May 2014). http://www.policechiefmagazine.org/magazine/index.cfm?fuseaction=displa…. Research in Brief: Using NIBIN ballistic imaging hits for the strategic targeting of violent criminal networks.". Police Chief Magazine (2014).
Katz, Charles M., Danielle Wallace, and Eric Hedberg. The temporal impact of foreclosure on neighborhood crime and disorder. Journal of Research in Crime & Delinquency (2013).
Stevenson, Philip, Charles M. Katz, and Scott Decker. The foundation of an evidence-based justice system: The need for meaningful academic and applied researcher partnerships. Translational Criminology (2013).
Taylor, Melanie, Scott H. Decker, and Charles M. Katz. Consent decrees and juvenile corrections in Arizona: What happens when oversight ends. JRSA Forum (2013).
White, Michael D. and Katz, Charles M. Policing convenience store crime: Lessons from the Glendale, Arizona Smart policing Initiative. Police Quarterly (2013).
Walker, Samuel, Katz, Charles. The Police in America: An Introduction. (2013).
Katz, Charles M., Andrew Fox, Chester Britt, and Phillip Stevenson. Understanding Police Gang Data at the Aggregate Level: An Examination of the Reliability of National Youth Gang Survey Data. Journal of Justice Research and Policy (2012).
Wallace, Danielle, E.C. Hedberg, and Charles M. Katz. The Impact of Foreclosures on Neighborhood Disorder before and During the Housing Crisis: Testing the Spiral of Decay. Social Science Quarterly (2012).
Charles Katz (blinded). Reducing the contribution of street gangs and organized crime to violence. Caribbean Human Development Report 2012 (2012).
Pyrooz, David, Fox, Andrew, Katz, Charles, Decker, Scott. Gang organization, offending and victimization: A cross national analysis. Youth Gangs in International Perspective (2012).
Katz, Charles M. and Stephen Schnebly. Neighborhood Variation in Gang Member Concentrations. Crime & Delinquency (2011).
Katz, Charles M., Andrew Fox and Michael White. Examining the relationship between illegal immigration, and drug use. Justice Quarterly (2011).
Katz, Charles M., Edward R. Maguire, and David Choate. "A cross-national comparison of gangs in the United States and Trinidad and Tobago.". "A cross-national comparison of gangs in the United States and Trinidad and Tobago. International Criminal Justice Review (2011).
Katz, Charles M., Kate Fox, Vincent J. Webb, and Jennifer Shaffer. Understanding the relationship between violent victimization and gang membership. Journal of Criminal Justice (2011).
Maguire, Edward R., William Wells, and Charles M. Katz. Measuring Community Risk and Protective Factors for Adolescent Problem Behaviors: Evidence from a Developing Nation. Journal of Research in Crime & Delinquency (2011).
Walker, Samuel, Katz, Charles. The Police in America: An Introduction. (2011).
Vincent Webb, Charles Katz, Scott Decker. Asessing the validity of self-reports by gang members: Results from the Arrestee Drug-Abuse Monitoring program. Crime & Delinquency (2006).
Katz, Charles, Webb, Vincent J. Policing Gangs in America. (2006).
Webb, Vincent J (Author) ,Katz, Charles (Author) . A Study of Police Gang Units in Six Cities. The Modern Gang Reader (2006).
Charles Katz, Vincent Webb, Scott Decker. Using the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (ADAM) program to further understand the relationship between drug use and gang membership. Justice Quarterly (2005).
Nancy Rodriguez, Charles Katz, Vincent Webb, David Schaefer. Examining the impact of individual, community, and market factors on methamphetamine use: A tale of two cities. Journal of Drug Issues (2005).
. . Contemporary Policing: Controversies, Challenges, and Solutions (2004).
Charles Katz. Issues in the Production and Dissemination of Gang Statistics: An Ethnographic Study of a Large Midwestern Police Gang Unit. Crime and Delinquency (2003).
Charles Katz, Vincent Webb, Todd Armstrong. Fear and Gangs: A Test of Alternative Theoretical Models. Justice Quarterly (2003).
Decker, Scott, Alarid, Leanne, Katz, Charles. Controversies in Criminal Justice: A Contemporary Reader. (2003).
Webb, Vincent J (Author) ,Katz, Charles (Author) . Policing gangs in an Era of Community Policing. Policing Gangs and Youth Violence (2003).
Charles Katz, Edward Maguire, Dennis Roncek. The Creation of Specialized Police Gang Units: Testing Contingency, Social Threat, and Resource-Dependency Explanations. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management (2002).
Edward Maguire, Charles Katz. Loose Coupling, Sensemaking, and Community Policing in American Police Agencies. Justice Quarterly (2002).
Charles Katz. The Establishment of a Police Gang Unit: An Examination of Organizational and Environmental Factors. Criminology (2001).
Charles Katz, Vincent Webb, David Schaefer. An Assessment of the Impact of Quality-of-Life Policing on Crime and Disorder. Justice Quarterly (2001).
Charles Katz, Vincent Webb, David Schaefer. The Validity of Police Gang Intelligence Lists: Examining Differences in Delinquency between Documented Gang Members and Non-Documented Delinquent Youth. Police Quarterly (2000).
Cheon, Hyunjung, Vincent J. Webb, Charles M. Katz, and Lidia E. Nuño. Police Estimates of Sex Trafficking: Venues, Trends, and Data Sources. Phoenix, AZ: Center for Violence Prevention & Community Safety, Arizona State University. Report Submitted to the McCain Institute (0).
Research Activity
White,Michael D*, Katz,Charles. Body Worn Camera Training and Technical Assistance TTA Provider. (12/15/2015 - 9/30/2017).
Katz,Charles*, Griffin,Marie Louise, Hepburn,John Robert, White,Michael D. Provision of TA for Law Enforcement and Corrections. RAND(1/1/2015 - 12/31/2015).
Katz,Charles*, Choate,David Edward, White,Michael D. Evaluation and Monitoring of Arizona Project Safe Neighborhoods. AZ CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMISSION(10/1/2014 - 9/30/2016).
Katz,Charles*. Collecting Violent Death Information Using the NVDRS in Arizona. HHS-CDC(9/1/2014 - 8/31/2019).
Katz,Charles*. Collecting Violent Death Information Using the NVDRS in Arizona. HHS-CDC(9/1/2014 - 8/31/2019).
Katz,Charles*, Choate,David Edward, White,Michael D. Arizona Arrestee Reporting Information Network (AARIN) FY 11/12. MARICOPA CO MANAGER'S OFFICE(7/1/2011 - 6/30/2012).
Decker,Scott Henderson*, Katz,Charles. For The Kids or for the Bottom Line: A Case Study of the Proposed Closing the Department of Juvenile Corrections in Arizona. DOJ-NIJ(1/1/2011 - 8/31/2013).
Katz,Charles*, White,Michael D. Arizona Arrestee Reporting Information Network (AARIN) 10/11. MARICOPA CO MANAGER'S OFFICE(7/1/2010 - 6/30/2011).
Choate,David Edward*, Katz,Charles. Phoenix CeaseFire Project. CHICANOS POR LA CAUSA(8/1/2009 - 7/31/2011).
Katz,Charles*, Griffin,Marie Louise, White,Michael D. Arizona Arrestee Reporting Information Network (AARIN) 09/10. MARICOPA CO MANAGER'S OFFICE(7/1/2009 - 6/30/2010).
Katz,Charles*, Katz,Charles*, Katz,Charles*, Liu,Huan, Rodriguez,Nancy, Rodriguez,Nancy, Rowe,Jeremy, Rowe,Jeremy, Runger,George, Runger,George, Schaefer,David, Van Schoik,Douglas Rick. DHS COE in Border Security and Immigration. UNIV OF AZ(7/1/2008 - 6/30/2011).
Katz,Charles*, Griffin,Marie Louise, White,Michael D. AARIN 08/09. MARICOPA CO MANAGER'S OFFICE(7/1/2008 - 6/30/2009).
Katz,Charles*, Decker,Scott Henderson, Rodriguez,Nancy. Providing Infrastructure and Analytical Support for the Maricopa County Crime Analysis Center. MARICOPA CNTY(7/1/2008 - 6/30/2009).
Katz,Charles*, Rodriguez,Nancy. Arizona Arrestee Reporting Information Network (AARIN). MARICOPA CO MANAGER'S OFFICE(7/1/2007 - 6/30/2008).
Katz,Charles*, Decker,Scott Henderson, Fornango,Robert Jason, Rodriguez,Nancy, Saunders,Jessica, Sweeten,Gary A. AZ Criminal Justice Commission 08-003 PSN, Homicide and Recidivism Study. AZ CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMISSION(7/1/2007 - 12/31/2009).
Katz,Charles*, Andereck,Kathleen L, Autry,Cari Elaine, Decker,Scott Henderson, Ho,Ching-Hua, Rodriguez,Nancy. Evaluation of Maricopa County Crime Prevention Program. MARICOPA CNTY(12/21/2006 - 12/31/2009).
Katz,Charles*, Rodriguez,Nancy. Arizona Arrestee Reporting Information Network (AARIN). MARICOPA CO MANAGER'S OFFICE(11/1/2006 - 7/31/2008).
Katz,Charles*, Spohn,Cassia Cathleen. Supporting Organizational Change in the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service. GEORGE MASON UNIV(8/1/2006 - 8/31/2008).
Rodriguez,Nancy*, Katz,Charles. Improving State Criminal History Records Through Analysis. AZ CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMISSION(7/1/2006 - 7/31/2007).
Katz,Charles*. West Valley Regional Data Sharing Initiative: Needs Assessment and Data Survey. GLENDALE POLICE DEPARTMENT(11/1/2005 - 10/31/2006).
Katz,Charles*. Supporting Organizational Change in the Trinidad and Tabago. GEORGE MASON UNIV(8/1/2005 - 2/28/2007).
Katz,Charles*. Weed & Seed. AZ CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMISSION(7/1/2005 - 8/31/2006).
Katz,Charles*. A Study of Sex Offender Clustering In Phoenix Arizona. CITY OF PHOENIX(5/10/2005 - 12/31/2006).
Katz,Charles*. Providing Research Services to the Arizona Department of Education. AZ DEPT OF EDUCATION(10/12/2004 - 9/30/2005).
Katz,Charles*. Project Safe Neighborhood Neveda. 21st Century Solutions(4/1/2004 - 6/30/2004).
Webb,Vincent J*, Katz,Charles. Examine the Impact of Individual Neighborhood and Market Factors on Methamphetamine Use: A Tale of Two Cities. NATIONAL OPINION RESEARCH CTR(1/1/2004 - 3/31/2004).
Webb,Vincent J*, Katz,Charles, Rodriguez,Nancy. ARIZONA ADAM 2000-2002. NATIONAL OPINION RESEARCH CTR(6/1/2002 - 10/31/2002).
Katz,Charles*, Haarr,Robin N, Webb,Vincent J. THE POLICE RESPONSE TO GANGS: A MULTI SITE STUDY. DOJ-NIJ(1/1/1999 - 5/31/2001).
Webb,Vincent J*, Katz,Charles. MESA, ARIZONA GANG INTERVENTION PROJECT. CITY OF MESA(1/1/1999 - 12/31/1999).
Webb,Vincent J*, Katz,Charles. PIMA COUNTY ADAM PROJECT. ABT ASSOCIATES, INC(7/1/1998 - 9/30/1998).
Katz, Charles M., Mike Kurtenbach, David Choate, Justin Ready. Webinar on the use of body worn cameras in Phoenix, SMART Policing/Bureau of Justice Assistance, December. Webinar on the use of body worn cameras in Phoenix, SMART Policing/Bureau of Justice Assistance, December. Webinar on the use of body worn cameras in Phoenix (Dec 2014).
Katz, Charles M. Lidia Nuno, David Choate, and Erica Vera. Native Americans, Gangs and Delinquency. annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology (Nov 2013).
Katz, Charles M. Are the police making the grade: Police accountability in the 21st Century?. Colloquia at University of Missouri- Kansas City (Oct 2013).
Katz, Charles M., Andrew Fox, Michael White, and David Choate. The role of social network analysis in intelligence let policing. Bureau of Justice Assistance, October 28, 2013, Webinar (Oct 2013).
Katz, Charles M. Understanding the role of social network analysis in intelligence led policing. 2013 Phoenix Police Department symposia for command staff (Aug 2013).
Katz, Charles M. Phoenix CeaseFire and its implications for policing gangs. Congressional Briefing at the United States Capital (Apr 2013).
Katz, Charles M. "Toward the establishment of the Arizona NVDRS site and its potential for local application. The National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS): Understanding Violent Deaths So We Can Prevent (Mar 2013).
Katz, Charles M., Lidia Nuno, Anthony Harriott. Street gangs across the Caribbean. the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (Mar 2013).
Nuno, Lidia and Charles M. Katz. Gang Joining: The Influence of Individual, School, and Community Factors. annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology (Nov 2012).
Katz, Charles M. An overview of gangs and gang violence in the Caribbean. Symposium on Gangs and Gang Violence in the Caribbean, Washington, DC (Oct 2012).
Katz, Charles M. Grading Police Organizations. Arizona Police Planners Association annual meeting (Jun 2012).
Katz, Charles M. Methodological approaches to understanding human trafficking. Sandra Day O’Conner College of Law Symposia (May 2012).
Coldren, Chip and Charles M. Katz. Smart Policing: Integrating Evidence-Based Practices into Police Departments. 2012 SMART Policing Conference (May 2012).
Katz, Charles M. Gangs, Gang Members, and Gang Violence in the Caribbean. International Conference on Gangs, Violence, and Governance in Port of Spain, Trinidad (Nov 2011).
Ready, Justin, Clair Vaughn-Uding, Charles Katz, and David Choate. The Effects of Risk Aversion on Illegal Prescription Drug Use: Identifying Predictors of RX Drug Use in a Representative Sample of Arrestees. annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology (Nov 2011).
Katz, Charles M. Danielle Wallace, and Eric Hedberg. A longitudinal assessment of the impact of home foreclosures on neighborhood crime. annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology (Nov 2011).
Katz, Charles M. and Andrew Fox. The reliability of the National Gang Youth Survey data. annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology (Nov 2011).
Fox, Andrew. Choate, David, Katz, Charles. M., Hedberg, E. C., and Marvastian, Shirin. Evaluation of the Phoenix TRUCE Project: A Replication of Chicago CeaseFire. annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology (Nov 2011).
Katz, Charles M. and Andrew Fox. Using the Eurogang Gang Expert Survey in Central America and the Caribbean. Eurogang XI annual meeting in Hillerod, Denmark (Jun 2011).
Katz, Charles M. Cops as Gang Experts. Arizona Attorneys for Criminal Justice (May 2011).
Katz, Charles M. Recent Findings from the Arizona Arrestee Reporting and Information System (AARIN). National Institute on Drug Abuse, Community Epidemiology Working Group. NIDA (Mar 2011).
Katz, Charles M. and Andrew Fox. A comparative study of youth gang membership in the United States and Trinidad and Tobago. Annual Meeting of the Western Society of Criminology (Feb 2011).
Katz, Charles. Problem Solving Practices in Schools: An Evaluation of the Police-School Relationship in Redlands, California. School Safety: Technologies, Researcher, and Emerging Concepts Conference 2002
Katz, Charles, Webb, Vincent. Policing Gangs. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention National Youth Gang Symposium
Katz, Charles, Webb, Vincent. Policing Gangs in an Era of Community Policing: Organizational and Structural Impediments to Change. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
Katz, Charles, Webb, Vincent, Armstrong, Todd. Fear and Gangs: Implications for Victimization, Disorder, Community Concern, and Subcultural Diversity. Annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
Katz, Charles. Examining Drug Trends in Maricopa County. Arizona Crime Analyst Association Quarterly Meeting
Katz, Charles. Measuring Police Performance in an Era of Community Policing. International Association of Law Enforcement Planners, Southwest Chapter Meeting
Katz, Charles. Problem Solving Practices in Schools: An Evaluation of the Police-School Relationship in Redlands, California and Bullhead City Arizona. American Association of Women's National Convention
Katz, Charles, Webb, Vincent. Issues in Analyzing Racially Based Police Stop Data. Executive Staff of the Arizona Department of Public Safety
Rodriguez, Nancy, Katz, Charles, Webb, Vincent. Examining the Impact of Individual, Neighborhood, and Market Factors on Methamphetamine Use: A Tale of Two Cities. Annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology
Katz, Charles. A Critical Response to Improving Public Safety and Well-Being in Our Communities. President's Community Enrichment Programs at Arizona State University
Katz, Charles, Ballance, Steve, Choate, David. Responding to Gangs in Cochise County, Arizona. Annual Juvenile Concerns Conference, What Works
Katz, Charles, Choate, David. Diagnosing Trinidad & Tobago's Gang Problem. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology
Katz, Charles, Choate, David. The Phoenix Sex Offender Clustering Study. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology
Katz, Charles, Maguire, Edward. Reducing Gang Homicides in the Besson Street Station District. Minister of National Security, Trinidad and Tobago Police Services Executive Staff
Katz, Charles. Problem Solving Practices in Schools: An Evaluation of the Police-School Relationship in Redlands, California and Bullhead City Arizona. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
Katz, Charles. The Arizona Youth Gang Problem. Executive Staff of Devereux Arizona
Katz, Charles, Webb, Vincent. Using the Arrestee Drug Abuse Program to Assess the Validity of Self-Reported Drug Use Among Gang Members. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
Katz, Charles, Webb, Vincent. Using the Arrestee Drug Abuse Program to Further Understand the Relationship between Gang Membership and Drug Use. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
Katz, Charles, Schaefer, David. Broken Windows or Broken Theory: An Examination of Chandler, Arizona's Operation Restoration. Annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
Katz, Charles, Webb, Vincent. The Police Response to Gangs: A Multi Site Study. Annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology
Katz, Charles, Webb, Vincent. Policing Gangs in an Era of Community Policing: Organizational and Structural Impediments to Change. National Institute of Justice's Research and Evaluation Conference
Katz, Charles, Webb, Vincent, Schaefer, David. The Validity of Police Gang Intelligence Lists: Examining Differences in Delinquency between Documented Gang Members and Non-Documented Delinquent Youth. Sixth Annual Faculty Research Poster Session
Katz, Charles. Understanding the Native American Gang Problem in Arizona. Arizona Indian Country Gangs Summit
Katz, Charles, Ballance, Steve, Britt, Chet. Examining the Reliability of the National Youth Gang Survey. Annual Meeting of the Western Society of Criminology
Katz, Charles, Maguire, Edward. Improving Homicide Detection Rates in Trinidad and Tobago. Minister of National Security, Trinidad and Tobago Police Services Executive Staff
Katz, Charles, Shaffer, Jennifer, Webb, Vincent. Understanding the relationship between violent victimization and gang membership. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology
Prisoner Advocate, Human Subjects Review Board, Research Compliance Office, Member (2006 - Present)
Scholarship, Research & Creative Activities, ASU, Chair (2006 - Present)
Justice Quarterly, Deputy Editor (2005 - Present)
Research Advisory Council. ASU West, Chair (2005 - Present)
Arizona Criminal Justice Commission, state gang survey and monograph, Survey Consultant (2001 - Present)
Criminal Justice Assessment Committee, Member (1999 - Present)
Phoenix Police Foundation., Board Member and Secretary (2014 - 2016)
Safe States National Violent Death Reporting System Special Interest Group., Member (2013 - 2016)
President’s Academic Council, Member (2011 - 2016)
Human Subjects Review Board, Research Compliance Office, Alternate member (2006 - 2016)
Human Subjects Review Board, Research Compliance Office, Prisoner advocate (2006 - 2016)
Outstanding Book Award Committee, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Chair (2015 - 2016)
Outstanding Mentor Award Committee, Academy of Criminal Jusitce Sciences, Member (2014 - 2015)
Caribbean Journal of Criminology., Associate Editor (2012 - 2015)
Editorial Board, Journal of Intelligence & Analysis., Member (2012 - 2015)
Injury Policy Committee, Arizona Department of Health Services, Member (2011 - 2015)
Editorial Board, Police Quarterly., Member (2008 - 2015)
Comprehensive Exams Committee for Ph.D. students., Chair (2014 - 2015)
Prevalence of juvenile sex trafficking in Asia. International Justice Mission (IJM)., Methodological advisor (2014 - 2015)
Promotion and Tenure Committee, Member (2014 - 2015)
Member, NIJ’s standing scientific review panel (SRP) for technology, Member (2013 - 2015)
Caribbean Journal of Criminology, Associate Editor (2012 - 2014)
Tenure and Promotion Committee, Chair (2013 - 2014)
Los Angeles gang reduction and youth development (GRYD) project. Sponsored by the Office of the Mayor, Los Angeles, California., Evaluation Advisory Committee Member (2010 - 2014)
Human Subjects Review Board, Research Compliance Office, Alternate member (2006 - 2014)
Prisoner Advocate, Human Subjects Review Board, Research Compliance Office, Member, Prisoner Advocate (2006 - 2014)
Special Issue (edited by Michael D. White and Charles M. Katz). Police Quarterly, Guess editor (2013 - 2013)
Editorial Board, Journal of Intelligence & Analysis, Member (2012 - 2013)
Injury Policy Committee, Arizona Department of Health Services, Member (2011 - 2013)
Editorial Board, Police Quarterly., Member (2008 - 2013)
Executive Committee, Chair (2012 - 2013)
Tenure and Promotion Committee, Member (2012 - 2013)
Awards Committee, Subcommittee Book Awards Committee, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences., Member (2011 - 2013)
Undergraduate committee., Member (2012 - 2012)
College of Public Programs Dean’s Search Committee, Member (2011 - 2012)
International Criminal Justice Review, Guest editor (2011 - 2011)
By-laws Committee, Member (2006 - 2008)
Personnel Committee, Member (2006 - 2008)
Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee, Member (2005 - 2007)
Bureau of Justice Statistics and Kent State University Police Gang Unit Survey, Consultant (2006 - 2006)
Dean's Post-tenure Audit Committee, Member (2006 - 2006)
Planning Committee, Arizona Gang Summit, Member (2006 - 2006)
Academic Steering Committee, Law Enforcement Command Institute of the Southwest. Public Safety Training Academy, Tucson, Arizona, Member (2005 - 2006)
Policing Section, American Society of Criminology Program Committee, Chair (2005 - 2006)
Outcome Assessment for Information Literacy Committee, Member (2002 - 2006)
Committee to Plan for the Development of the School of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Chair (2004 - 2005)
Phoenix Police Department, Division of Professional Standards and Internal Affairs, Survey Consultant (2004 - 2005)
Ad hoc committee for the establishment of a policy research institute, Member (2002 - 2005)
Research Advisory Council. Arizona State University West, Member (2000 - 2005)
Graduate Committee, Chair (1999 - 2005)
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Student Affairs committee, Chair (2003 - 2004)
College of Human Services Dean Search Committee. ASU West, Member (2003 - 2004)
Academic Grade Appeals Committee. Arizona State University West, Chair (2002 - 2004)
Teaching Excellence Committee. Arizona State University West, Member (2002 - 2004)
Mesa Gang Intervention Project, Mesa Police Department, Local Evaluator (2000 - 2004)
National Institute of Justice grant proposals, Drugs and Crime, Reviewer (2001 - 2001)
Elton S. Carter Award for Excellence in a Master's Thesis. University of Nebraska at Omaha, Reviewer (2000 - 2000)