The overarching theme of Maulik Parikh's research is gravity. Gravity is at once our most familiar and least understood force. A century ago, Einstein revealed that gravitation is intimately connected with the curvature of the fabric of space and time. More recently, the study of black holes appears to be pointing to an even more surprising lesson: that our gravitational world might be the hologram cast by a lower-dimensional quantum field theory. Parikh's research interests span numerous areas in gravitation, including the foundations of general relativity, the topology of spacetime, black holes, theoretical cosmology, the physics of event horizons, and the gravitational aspects of quantum theories of gravity, particularly string theory.
Ph.D. Physics, Princeton University
M.A. Physics, Princeton University
B.A. Physics, Mathematics, English, University of California-Berkeley
Maulik Parikh, Frank Wilczek, and George Zahariade. The Noise of Gravitons. Int J Modern Physics D (2020).
Maulik Parikh, Andrew Svesko, and Sudipta Sarkar. A Local First Law of Gravity. Physical Review D (2020).
Lars Aalsma, Maulik Parikh, and Jan Pieter van der Schaar. Back(reaction) to the Future in the Unruh-de Sitter State. Journal of High-Energy Physics (2019).
Maulik Parikh and Jan Pieter van der Schaar. Derivation of the Null Energy Condition. Physical Review D (2015).
Saugata Chatterjee, Damien Easson, and Maulik Parikh. Energy Conditions in Jordan Frame. Classical and Quantum Gravity (2013).
Maulik Parikh, Prasant Samantray, and Erik Verlinde. Rotating Rindler-AdS Space. Physical Review D (2012).
Saugata Chatterjee, Maulik Parikh, and Sudipta Sarkar. The Black Hole Membrane Paradigm in f(R) Gravity. Classical and Quantum Gravity (2012).
Brian Greene, Janna Levin, and Maulik Parikh. Brane-World Motion in Compact Dimensions. Classical and Quantum Gravity (2011).
Brian Greene, Kurt Hinterbichler, Simon Judes, and Maulik Parikh. Smooth Initial Conditions from Weak Gravity. Physics Letters B (2011).
Maulik Parikh. Enhanced Instability of de Sitter Space in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Gravity. Physical Review D (2011).
Research Activity
Vachaspati,Tanmay*; Baumgart, Matthew; Easson, Damien; Keeler, Cynthia; Parikh, Maulik Kirit. Theoretical Research at the High Energy Frontier. DOE-OS(6/14/2022 - 4/30/2026).
Parikh, Maulik Kirit*; Keeler, Cynthia. Heising-Simons Foundation (6/1/2021-8/31/2025).
Krauss,Lawrence Maxwell*, Krauss,Lawrence Maxwell*, Easson,Damien, Parikh,Maulik Kirit, Vachaspati,Tanmay. Theoretical Research at the High Energy Frontier. DOE-OS(4/1/2015 - 3/31/2016).
Parikh,Maulik Kirit*. Visitors for Cosmology Group. FQXi(11/15/2012 - 11/14/2013).
Krauss,Lawrence Maxwell*, Krauss,Lawrence Maxwell*, Easson,Damien, Parikh,Maulik Kirit, Vachaspati,Tanmay. Theoretical Research at the High Energy Frontier: Cosmology and Beyond. DOE-CHICAGO(8/15/2012 - 3/31/2015).
Parikh,Maulik Kirit*. The Nature of Gravity. FQXi(7/1/2012 - 8/30/2014).
Krauss,Lawrence Maxwell*, Krauss,Lawrence Maxwell*, Parikh,Maulik Kirit, Vachaspati,Tanmay. Theoretical Research at the High Energy Frontier: Cosmology, Neutrinos and Beyond. DOE-CHICAGO(8/15/2009 - 8/14/2012).