WCPH Room 418 777 E. University Dr. Building 79
Tempe, AZ 85287-8704
Mail code: 3005
Campus: Tempe
Long Bio
Enrique R. Vivoni is the Fulton Professor of Hydrosystems Engineering in the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment and the Director of the Center for Hydrologic Innovations at Arizona State University. His research focuses on water, climate and ecosystem processes and interactions with sustainability and management, with a specific emphasis on semiarid and arid regions of North America. Over the course of his career, Professor Vivoni has established long-term research collaborations on topics related to advancing numerical models, water resources management, climate change and sociopolitical interactions with natural resources. He is also involved in training, outreach and stakeholder engagement activities as related to technology transfer and the use of scientific knowledge for improving decision-making processes. He has won a number of local, national, and international awards, including being named Fellow of the American Meteorological Society, Mexican Academy of Sciences, and American Association for the Advancement of Science. His work has garnered the ASCE Arid Lands Hydraulic Engineering Award, Governor's Award for Arizona's Future, International Award from the Mexican Carbon Program, Fulbright Fellowship, Leopold Leadership Fellowship, Lincoln Institute Curriculum Award, Huber Prize for Civil Engineering Research, Quentis Mees Research Award from the Arizona Water Association, and the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers. He has served in administrative positions including as Associate Dean of the Graduate College, Associate Director of the School of Earth and Space Exploration, and Graduate Faculty Chair of the Hydrosystems Engineering Program.
B.S. Environmental Engineering Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996
M.S. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998
Ph.D. Hydrology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003
Ecohydrology and hydrometeorology of semiarid regions
Applications of environmental sensing technologies
Climate and land use change impacts on water resources
Stakeholder engagement and decision making support
US-Mexico border isssues and relations with Latin America
Research Group
Our research group at Arizona State University (Hydrologic Science, Engineering & Sustainability) studies hydrological processes in natural and urban environments and their interactions with ecological, atmospheric and geomorphic phenomenon. We are part of the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment (SSEBE) and the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory (GFL). Thus, we integrate scientific, engineering and sustainability principles in water resources. Our students are part of graduate programs in Hydrosystems Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Geological Sciences. We have a regional focus in the southwest US and northern Mexico, in particular with respect to US-Mexico border issues. Our work is part of the Center for Hydrologic Innovations.
Iwaniec, D., Gooseff, M., Suding, K., Johnson, D., Reed, D., Peters, D.P.C., Adams, B., Barrett, J., Bestelmeyer, B., Castorani, M.; Cook, E., Davidson, M., Groffman, P., Hanan, N., Huenneke, L., Johnson, P., McKnight, D., Miller, R., Okin, G., Preston, D., Rassweiller, A., Ray, C., Sala, O., Schooley, R., Seastedt, T., Spasojevic, M., and Vivoni, E.R. 2021. Connectivity: Insights from the U.S. Long Term Ecological Research Network. Ecosphere. 12(5): e03432
CEE 440/GLG 471/CEE 545 Hydrology - Introductory undergraduate/graduate course on hydrology; experiences provided with geographical information systems, laboratory and field methods, and numerical models; taught using active learning techniques.
CEE 546/GLG 546 Advanced Watershed Hydrology - Graduate course on numerical modeling of watershed processes; experiences provided with three numerical models; field excursion for visiting watershed instrumentation sites.
CEE 549/GLG 549 Ecohydrology of Semiarid Landscapes - Graduate course on ecohydrological processes in arid and semiarid areas; experiences provided on data analysis and numerical modeling activities; field excursion for visiting ecohydrological sites.
CEE 591 Hydrosystems Engineering Seminar - Graduate seminar course on current research activities in water resources and hydrology as applied to agricultural, rural and urban systems.
GRD 598 US-Mexico Training on Environment, Agriculture and Management - Collaborative online international learning (COIL) course sponsored by 100,000 Strong in the Americas Program with Instituto Tecnologico de Sonora.
Honors / Awards
American Meteorological Society Fellow, 2025.
Governor's Award for Arizona's Future, 2023.
Mexican Carbon Program International Award, 2022
Lincoln Institute Curriculum Innovation Award, 2022
American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow, 2021
Quentin Mees Research Award, 2021
PLuS Alliance Fellow, 2016-present
Fulton Faculty Exemplar, 2016-2018
US Fulbright Scholar, 2015-2016, 2008-2009
Leopold Leadership Fellowship, 2015-2016
Distinguished Visiting Faculty, Mexican Academy of Sciences, 2015
Walter Huber Civil Engineering Prize, 2014
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, 2009-2014
Associate Editor, Journal of Arid Environments, 2009-2017
Associate Editor, Water Resources Research, 2012-2013
Associate Editor, Journal of Hydrology, 2006-2012
Guest Editor, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2012
Professional Associations
American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Geophysical Union, American Society of Civil Engineers, American Meteorological Society, Ecological Society of America, Union Geofisica Mexicana, Arizona Hydrological Society
Graduate Faculties / Mentoring History
Geological Sciences; Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering; Sustainability; Environmental Life Sciences; Geography and Urban Planning
Director, ASU Center for Hydrologic Innovations, 2022-present
Associate Dean, Graduate College, 2019-2021
Associate Director for Graduate Programs, School of Earth and Space Exploration, 2016-2019
Hydrosystems Coordinator, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, 2012-present
Faculty Advisor for AAPG Student Chapter, SESE Grad Council, ASU Fulbright Student Chapter
Director, US Mexico Border Water and Environmental Sustainability Program, 2012-2014
Director, Center for Hydrologic Innovations, 2022-present
Science Advisor, Planetary Skin Institute, 2011-2013
Consultant, InterAmerican Development Bank, 2015-2017