Jill Theresa Messing, MSW, PhD is a Professor in the School of Social Work and the Director of the Office of Gender-Based Violence at Arizona State University. Dr. Messing specializes in the development and testing of intimate partner violence risk assessments, and is particularly interested in the use of risk assessment in collaborative, innovative interventions and as a strategy for reducing intimate partner homicide. She is a Principal Investigator on the P.A.I.R. Studies, a 6-state series of case-control studies examining risk factors for intimate partner homicide funded by the National Institutes of Health, the National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research, the National Science Foundation, and Everytown for Gun Safety. She is also the Principal Investigator on research funded by Arnold Ventures that focuses on enhancing safety for intimate partner violence survivors when their partners are involved with the criminal-legal system. Dr. Messing’s intervention-focused research on the integration of the social service and criminal-legal system responses to intimate partner violence has been funded by the National Institutes of Justice and the Office on Violence Against Women. To enhance survivor access to risk assessment and intervention, Dr. Messing and her colleagues developed the technology-based myPlan intervention (www.myplanapp.org). She was a co-investigator on three NIH-funded randomized controlled trials examining the effectiveness of this safety planning tool for women in abusive relationships and is currently adapting the intervention for Kyrgyzstan through a grant from the Sexual Violence Research Initiative and the World Bank. Dr. Messing has been invited by the U.S. State Department to speak about intimate partner violence to Embassies and practitioners in Central Asia, West Africa, and Southeastern Europe. Dr. Messing is a co-lead within the Grand Challenges for Social Work and has worked to Mainstream Gender throughout the Grand Challenges. As co-editor of the 2nd edition of the book, Grand Challenges for Social Work and Society, she curated Gender Mainstreaming inserts within each chapter to bring an intersectional feminist lens to all of the Grand Challenges for Social Work.
Ph.D. Social Welfare, University of California, Berkeley
M.S.W. Social Welfare, University of California, Berkeley
B.A. Psychology, California State University, San Bernardino
B.A. Sociology, California State University, San Bernardino
Intimate partner violence, risk assessment, evidence based practice; the creation and testing of services for victims of intimate partner violence that are delivered in non-traditional formats.
Lindsay, M., Booth, J., Messing, J. & Thaller, J. Experiences of online harassment among emerging adults: Emotional reactions and the mediating role of fear. Journal of Interpersonal Violence (2016).
Messing, J.T. & Campbell, J.C. Informing collaborative interventions: Intimate partner violence risk assessment for front line police officers. Policing: A Journal of Policy & Practice (2016).
Messing, J.T., Campbell, J.C., Ward-Lasher, A., Brown, S., Patchell, B., Wilson, J. Differential application of the Lethality Assessment Program: Which women are most likely to participate?. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management (2016).
Messing, J.T., Mendoza, N., & Campbell, J.C. Alcohol use & latent profiles of intimate partner violence. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions (2016).
Bagwell-Gray, M., Messing, J.T., Baldwin-White, A. Intimate partner sexual violence: A review of terms, definitions, and prevalence. Trauma, Violence & Abuse (2015).
Becerra, D., Androff, D., Messing, J.T., Castillo, & Cimino, A. Linguistic Acculturation and Perceptions of Quality, Access, and Discrimination in Health Care among Latinos in the U.S. Social Work in Health Care (2015).
Cavanaugh, C., Messing, J.T., Eyzerovich, E. & Campbell, J. Differences in Correlates of Suicidal Behavior among African American and Latina Victims of Intimate Partner Violence. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention (2015).
Eden, K.B., Perrin, N.A., Hanson, G., Messing, J.T., Bloom, T., Campbell, J., Gielen, A., Clough, A., Barnes-Hoyt, J., Glass, N. The immediate impact of an internet safety decision aid on abused women’s decisional conflict about staying safe: Findings from the IRIS randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Preventative Medicine (2015).
Messing, J.T., *Mohr, R., & Durfee, A. Women’s experiences of grief upon leaving an abusive relationship. Child & Family Social Work (2015).
Messing, J.T., *Ward-Lasher, A., Thaller, J., *Bagwell, M. The State of Intimate Partner Violence Intervention: Progress and Continuing Challenges. Social Work (2015).
Messing, J.T., Campbell, J. & Wilson, J.S. Research Designs in the Real World: Testing the Effectiveness of an IPV Intervention. National Institute of Justice Journal (2015).
Messing, J.T., Campbell, J., Webster, D.W., Brown, S., Patchell, B., & Wilson, J.S. (2015). The Oklahoma Lethality Assessment Study: A quasi-experimental evaluation of the Lethality Assessment Program. Social Service Review (2015).
Cavanaugh, C., Campbell, J.C., Messing, J.T. A longitudinal study of the impact of cumulative trauma on comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder and depression among female nurses and nursing personnel. Workplace Health and Safety (2014).
Messing, J.T. Evidence based prosecution of intimate partner violence in the post-Crawford era: A single city study of the factors leading to prosecution. Crime & Delinquency (2014).
Messing, J.T., Campbell, J.C., Brown, S., Patchell, B., Androff, D.K., Wilson, J.S. The association between protective actions and homicide risk: Findings from the Oklahoma Lethality Assessment Study. Violence & Victims (2014).
Messing, J.T., Thaller, J. & Bagwell, M. Factors related to sexual abuse and forced sex in a sample of women experiencing police involved intimate partner violence. Health & Social Work (2014).
Thaller, J.E. & Messing, J.T. Loving, lying, dying: Common (mis)perceptions around intimate partner violence as depicted in "Love the Way You Lie.". Feminist Media Studies (2014).
Messing, J.T. Empowering women across systems: The impact of intimate partner violence intervention. Criminology & Public Policy (2013).
Messing, J.T. Intimate partner violence & abuse. Encyclopedia of Social Work Online. New York: Oxford University Press (0).
Messing, J.T., Becerra, D., *Ward-Lasher, A.W., Androff, D. Latinas Perceptions of Law Enforcement: Fear of Deportation, Crime Reporting & Trust in the System. Affilia (0).
Research Activity
Messing,Jill Theresa*, Koppell,Jonathan. YR 02: Safety planning utilizing a risk-informed safety decision aid: Increasing Access. GOYFF(9/1/2016 - 8/31/2017).
Messing,Jill Theresa. Impact of Culturally Specific Danger Assessment on Safety Mental Health and Empowerment of Immigrant and Indigenous Women in the US. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV(9/14/2015 - 8/31/2018).
Messing,Jill Theresa*, Koppell,Jonathan. Safety planning utilizing a risk-informed safety decision aid: Increasing Access to Evidence-Based Care for Survivors of Domestic Violence through a S. GOYFF(9/1/2015 - 8/31/2016).
Messing,Jill Theresa. Effectiveness of a safety App to respond to dating violence with college women. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV(5/1/2014 - 4/30/2019).
Messing,Jill Theresa. A comprehensive plan for examining the utility and implementation of the ODARA in police departments and pretrial services agencies in the United Stat. LJAF(12/17/2013 - 2/28/2022).
Messing,Jill Theresa*, Hart,William. Policing Domestic Violence: A New Approach to an Old Problem. AZ GOVERNORS OFFICE-CHILDREN(8/1/2013 - 7/31/2014).
Allison Ward Lasher, Jill Theresa Messing, & William Hart. Police Officer Attitudes Toward Intimate Partner Violence and Social Work Collaboration. Council on Social Work Education 60th Annual Program Meeting, Tampa, FL (Nov 2014).
Jill Theresa Messing, Jacquelyn Campbell, Janet Sullivan Wilson, Sheryll Brown & Beverly Patchell. Police Departments Use of the Lethality Assessment Program: A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation. Presentation at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (Nov 2014).
Meredith Bagwell, Jill Theresa Messing, & Alesha Durfee. The Perceived Helpfulness of Self-Protective Actions Among Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence. Council on Social Work Education 60th Annual Program Meeting, Tampa, FL (Oct 2014).
Jill Theresa Messing, Alesha Durfee, & Meredith Bagwell. The Utilization of Protection Orders By Survivors in Shelter. Presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research 18th Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX (Jan 2014).
Jill Theresa Messing & Jonel Thaller. Intimate Partner Violence Risk Assessment: Predictive Ability & Application to Social Work. Presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research 18th Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX (Jan 2014).
Jonel Thaller, Meredith Bagwell, Jill Theresa Messing & Alesha Durfee. Factors Related to Reproductive Coercion and Pregnancy Avoidance Among Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence. Presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research 18th Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX (Jan 2014).
Jill Theresa Messing, David Becerra, & David K. Androff. Latinas & Law Enforcement: The Impact of Fear of Deportation On Confidence in Law Enforcement and Willingness to Report Violent Crimes. Presentation as part of a symposium entitled Using Research to Promote Social Change Among Latino Co (Jan 2014).
Megan Lindsay, Jonel Thaller & Jill Theresa Messing. Use of Popular Media and Gender Studies to Educate Young Adults About Intimate Partner Violence. Presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research 18th Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX (Jan 2014).
Jill Theresa Messing, Shane Lee & Jennifer Segovia. Danger Assessment Tools. Maricopa Association of Governments Protocol Evaluation Project Roundtable Event, Mesa, AZ (Dec 2013).
Jonel Thaller & Jill Theresa Messing. Reproductive coercion and intimate partner violence: Findings from Title X family planning clinics in Arizona. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Dallas, TX (Nov 2013).
Janet Sullivan Wilson, Jill Theresa Messing, Sheryll Brown, Beverly Patchell, Jacquelyn Campbell, Kimberly Flowers, Kristie Mitchell. Promising practice for domestic violence: The Lethality Assessment Protocol. International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference, Philadelphia, PA (Oct 2013).
Jonel Thaller, Megan Lindsay, Jill Theresa Messing. Reactions to intimate partner violence in music video: Findings from a focus group study with young adults. Tenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, IL (May 2013).
David Becerra, David K. Androff, Jill Theresa Messing, Jason Castillo. Fear of deportation and perceptions of law enforcement among Latinos in the United States. Presentation as part of a symposium entitled The impact of immigration policies within Latino communities. Society for Social Work and Research 17th Annual Conference, San Diego, CA (Jan 2013).
Jonel Thaller, Megan Lindsay, Jill Theresa Messing. Depictions of intimate partner violence in the popular culture: Students’ evaluation of media. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Washington DC (Nov 2012).
Jill Theresa Messing. Lessons learned from developing and implementing the Danger Assessment. Domestic Violence Risk Management Knowledge Exchange, London, Ontario, Canada (Oct 2012).
Jill Theresa Messing & Dave Sargent. Incorporating domestic violence lethality assessment into police response: Perspectives, outcomes, and findings. Invited presentation at the 2012 Domestic Violence Symposium, Seattle, WA (Sep 2012).
Jill Theresa Messing & Jonel Thaller. The IRIS Project: An online safety intervention for women in unsafe abusive relationships. Presentation at the Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ (Sep 2012).
Jill Theresa Messing. Intimate partner violence and transdisciplinarity. Social Work and Social Development: Action and Impact Conference, Stockholm, Sweden (Jul 2012).
Jill Theresa Messing & Wendy Million. Lethality factors and coercive control in domestic violence cases. Invited presentation at the 2012 Judicial Conference, Tucson, AZ (Jun 2012).
Jill Theresa Messing, Jonel Thaller, Meredith Bagwell. Sexual abuse and forced sex among a sample of women experiencing intimate partner violence: Identifying the need for sexual health interventions and sexual safety planning. Futures without Violence National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence (Mar 2012).
Janet Sullivan Wilson, Jill Theresa Messing, Sheryll Brown, Beverly Patchell, Joe F. West, Jacquelyn C. Campbell. Comparative physical and mental health consequences in women of different ethnic backgrounds experiencing police involved intimate partner violence. Futures without Violence National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence (Mar 2012).
Nancy E. Glass, Jill Theresa Messing, Jane Koziol-McLain, Jonel Thaller, Tina L. Bloom, Karen Eden, Jacquelyn Campbell, Katia Reinart. IRIS Project: An internet based safety decision aid for survivors of intimate partner violence. Futures without Violence National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence (Mar 2012).
Jill Theresa Messing, Jonel E. Thaller, Meredith Bagwell, Yvonne Amanor-Boadu, Courtenay Cavanaugh, Jacquelyn C. Campbell. Culturally competent intimate partner violence risk assessment: Creation and testing of the Danger Assessment for Immigrant women (DA-I). Society for Social Work and Research 16th Annual Conference, Washington DC (Jan 2012).
Jill Theresa Messing, Jonel E. Thaller, Meredith Bagwell. Factors related to sexual abuse and forced sex among a sample of women experiencing intimate partner violence. Society for Social Work and Research 16th Annual Conference, Washington DC (Jan 2012).
David Becerra, David K. Androff, Jill Theresa Messing, Jason Castillo, Andrea N. Cimino. Health care for Latinos in the United States: Perceptions of quality, discrimination and access. Society for Social Work and Research 16th Annual Conference, Washington DC (Jan 2012).
Nigah Mughal, Jill Theresa Messing, Alesha Durfee & Jacquelyn Campbell. Comparing multiple and single intimate partner homicides: Rates and trends across 13 states. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Washington DC (Nov 2011).
Alesha Durfee & Jill Theresa Messing. Domestic violence. Gena’s Team (Education, not Incarceration) at Perryville Women’s Prison, Buckeye AZ (Aug 2011).
Jonel E. Thaller, Rebecca S. Ong & Jill Theresa Messing. Living, lying, dying: Popular music and the perpetuation of common misconceptions about intimate partner violence. Unsettling Feminisms: The (Un)conference, Chicago, IL (May 2011).
Jill Theresa Messing, Yvonne Amanor-Boadu, Courtenay Cavanaugh, & Jacquelyn Campbell. Factors predicting immigrant women’s risk for re-assault by an intimate partner in the United States. International Consortium for Social Development17th Symposium, Dhaka, Bangladesh (Jan 2011).
Social Work Research, Consulting Editor (2013 - Present)
Social Work Research, Consulting Editor (2013 - Present)
Social Work Research, Consulting Editor (2013 - Present)
Social Work Research, Consulting Editor (2013 - Present)
Council on Social Work Education, Track co-Chair, Violence Against Women & Children (2012 - Present)
Council on Social Work Education, Track co-Chair, Violence Against Women & Children (2012 - Present)
Society for Social Work and Research, Cluster co-Chair, Violence Against Women & Children Area, Criminal Justice Cluster (2012 - Present)
Society for Social Work and Research, Cluster co-Chair, Violence Against Women & Children Area, Criminal Justice Cluster (2012 - Present)
Society for Social Work and Research, Special Interest Group co-Chair, Violence Against Women & Children, Society for Social Work and Research (2012 - Present)
Society for Social Work and Research, Cluster co-Chair, Violence Against Women & Children Area, Criminal Justice Cluster (2012 - Present)
Society for Social Work and Research, Special Interest Group co-Chair, Violence Against Women & Children, Society for Social Work and Research (2012 - Present)
Society for Social Work and Research, Cluster co-Chair, Violence Against Women & Children Area, Criminal Justice Cluster (2012 - Present)