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Jeffery L. Yarger is a professor of chemistry, biochemistry and physics at Arizona State University. He holds a joint appointment in the School of Molecular Sciences and the Department of Physics. He is also the founding and current director of the Magnetic Resonance Research Center (MRRC).
His primary research interests are in biophysical chemistry, nano-materials, biopolymers and the general field of disordered or amorphous materials. His current research interests includes (i) fundamental structural and dynamical characterization of amorphous materials with an emphasis on biopolymer (i.e., spider silk), amorphous pharmaceuticals and polyamorphic systems; (ii) Development of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Neutron Scattering, Brillouin Scattering, Vibrational Spectroscopy and Calorimetric techniques to better characterize amorphous materials; (iii) Synthesis and molecular level characterization of nano-materials and nano-composites; (iv) The applications of amorphous materials and molecular level characterization techniques to biomedical instruments and human health; and (v) Materials under extreme conditions.
Prior to coming to ASU, he was with the University of Wyoming as an assistant professor of chemistry with an adjunct appointment at Colorado State University as an assistant professor of physics (1998). He also joined Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) as a visiting scientist, a position he still holds with collaborations, personnel and labs being maintained at ANL. In 2001, he was promoted to associate professor and senior scientist status at the University of Wyoming and Argonne National Laboratories, respectively. He also worked for DuPont-Merck, prior to completion of his doctorate.
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California-Berkeley 1998 (Dr. Alexander Pines)
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1998 (Dr. Paul Alivisatos)
Ph.D. Physical Chemistry, Arizona State University 1996
Prof. Jeff Yarger's research program is interested in understanding the role that local structure and dynamics plays in controlling the physical and mechanical properties of a wide range of technologically and biologically important, but disordered, materials. Systems currently under investigation include spider silk fibers and biopolymers, protein clusters, polyamorphic materials, nano-particles and quantum dots, battery and fuel cell materials, and most recently diabetes related research. Most of this research is highly interdisciplinary and many projects involve collaborations with the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory, the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and with other faculty in Chemistry and Biochemistry, Materials Science, Physics and Molecular Biology. Central to ongoing research is the use and development of solid-state NMR and MRI techniques applied to elucidate local structure and dynamics in disordered materials.
Spider silk is a remarkable biopolymer, a light weight protein fiber which spiders produce for diverse purposes including web structure, prey immobilization, making egg cases and are a key to their survival. With a unique combination of high elasticity, mechanical strength and toughness, its superior material properties surpass those of any currently known man-made fiber. In addition, these fibers are biocompatible and biodegradable. It is one of the best examples of block copolymers in Nature in which repeating structural motifs are linked together covalently resulting in polymers that organize themselves into a variety of nano-structures with exceptional material properties. The figures and illustrations shown on the web page provide some recent examples of NMR, X-ray, Raman, IR and Brillouin results by our research group. These results are published in several papers and are examples of our groups' efforts to understand the mechanical and physical properties of spider silks at the molecular level.
Organic and Bioorganic ligand capped nanomaterials is another major research thrust within the group. Specifically, we are exploring the ligand capping chemistry of metal, metal oxide and semiconducting nanoparticles and quantum dots at the molecular level. The group is developing new NMR, X-ray and laser light scattering instruments and methods for elucidating the molecular structure of nanomaterials. For example, Gold nanoparticles (1-5 nm diameter AuNPs) capped with organic ligands are frequently used in catalysis, biomedicine and nanotechnology. Below is a figure from a resent paper where our group developed a facile synthesis for trioctylphosphine capped gold (Au) nanoparticles.
Prof. Jeff Yarger's research program has research labs in ISTB1 on the Tempe Campus as ASU. This is also the location of the Magnetic Resonance Research Center, which Prof. Yarger is the founding director. I picture of our research group and collaborators at ASU is shown with everyone on the staircase of our 800 MHz NMR system. Besides labs at ASU, part of Prof. Yarger's group is at Argonne National Labs and at the Spallation Neutron Source at ORNL.
Kuehl, V.A.; Duong, P.H.H.; Sadrieva, D.; Amin, S.A.; She, Y.; Li-Oakey, K.D.; Yarger, J.L.; Parkinson, B.A.; Hoberg, J.O. Synthesis, Postsynthetic Modifications, and Applications of the First Quinoxaline-Based Covalent Organic Framework. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2021).
Benmore, C.J.; Gonzalez, G.B.; Alderman, O.L.G.; Wilke, S.K.; Yarger, J.L.; Leinenweber, K.; Weber, J.K.R. Hard x-ray methods for studying the structure of amorphous thin films and bulk glassy oxides. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter (2021).
de Oliveira, C.; Khatua, B.; El-Kurdi, B.; Patel, K.; Mishra, V.; Navina, S.; Grim, B.J.; Gupta, S.; Belohlavek, M.; Cherry, B.; Yarger, J.; Green, M.D.; Singh, V.P. Thermodynamic interference with bile acid demicelleization reduces systemic entry and injury during cholestasis. Scientific Reports (2020).
Davidowski, S.K.; Yarger, J.L.; Richert, R.; Angell, C.A. Reorientation Times for Solid-State Electrolyte Solvents and Electrolytes from NMR Spin-Lattice Relaxation Studies. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2020).
Davidowski, S.; Young-Gonzales, A.R.; Richert, R.; Yarger, J.; Angell, C. A. Relation of Ionic Conductivity to Solvent Rotation Times in Dinitrile Plastic Crystal Solvents. Journal of the Electrochemical Society (2020).
Mondal, P.; Guo, C.; Yarger, J.L. Water soluble gold-polyaniline nanocomposite: A substrate for surface enhanced Raman scattering and catalyst for dye degradation. Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2020).
Mondal, P.; Yarger, J.L. Colorimetric Dual Sensors of Metal Ions Based on 1,2,3-Triazole-4,5-Dicarboxylic Acid-Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles. Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2019).
King, M.; Davidowski, S.; Yarger, J. Characterization of spider silks using NMR amino acid analysis. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society (2019).
Davidowski, S.; Addison, J.; Holland, G.y; Yarger, J. Elucidation of the molecular structure and dynamics of egg sac spider silks using solid-state NMR. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society (2019).
Hasani, M.; Amin, S.A.; Yarger, J.L.; Davidowski, S.K.; Angell, C.A. Proton Transfer and lonicity: An N-15 NMR Study of Pyridine Base Protonation. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2019).
Parent, L.R.; Onofrei, D.; Xu, D.; Stengel, D.; Roehling, J.D.; Addison, J.B.; Forman, C.; Amin, S. A.; Cherry, B.R.; Yarger, J.L.; Gianneschi, N.C.; Holland, G.P. Hierarchical spidroin micellar nanoparticles as the fundamental precursors of spider silks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2018).
Urie, R.; Guo, C.; Ghosh, D.; Thelakkaden, M.; Wong, V.; Lee, J.K.; Kilbourne, J.; Yarger, J.; Rege, K. Rapid Soft Tissue Approximation and Repair Using Laser-Activated Silk Nanosealant. Advanced Functional Materials (2018).
Guo, C.; Yarger, J.L. Characterizing gold nanoparticles by NMR spectroscopy. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry (2018).
Klein, I.S.; Zhao, Z.; Davidowski, S.K.; Yarger, J.L.; Angell, C. A. A New Version of the Lithium Ion Conducting Plastic Crystal Solid Electrolyte. Advanced Energy Materials (2018).
Guo, C.; Zhang, J.; Jordan, J.S.; Wang, X.; Henning, R.W.; Yarger, J.L. Structural Comparison of Various Silkworm Silks: An Insight into the Structure-Property Relationship. Biomacromolecules (2018).
Yarger, J.L.; Cherry, B.R.; van der Vaart, A. Uncovering the structure-function relationship in spider silk. Nature Reviews Materials (2018).
Guo, Chengchen; Jordan, Jacob S.; Yarger, Jeffery L.; Holland, Gregory P. Highly Efficient Fumed Silica Nanoparticles for Peptide Bond Formation: Converting Alanine to Alanine Anhydride. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. (2017)
Finkelstein-Shapiro, Daniel; Fournier, Maxime; Mendiz-Hernandez, Dalvin D.; Guo, Chengchen; Calatayud, Monica; Moore, Thomas A.; Moore, Ana L.; Gust, Devens; Yarger, Jeffery L. Understanding Iridium Oxide Nanoparticles Surface Sites by Their Interaction with Catechol. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. (2017)
Klein, I.S.; Davidowski, S.K.; Yarger, J.L.; Angel, C.A. Silicon Hydrogensulfates: Solid Acids with Exceptional 25oC Conductivities and Possible Electrochemical Device Applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. (2017)
Mamontov, E.,; Kolesnikov, A.,; Sampath, S.,; Yarger, J.L. Hydrogen Mobility in the Lightest Metal Hydride, LiBeH3. Scientific Reports. (2017)
Ansari, Y.; Tucker, T. G.; Huang, W.; Klein, I. S.; Lee, S. Y.; Yarger, Jeffery L.; Angell, C. A. A Flexible All-Inorganic Fuel Cell Membrane with Conductivity above Nafion, and Durable Operation at 150 Degrees C. Journal of Power Sources. (2016)
Davidowski, S. K.; Lisowski, C. E.; Yarger, Jeffery L. Characterizing Mixed Phosphonic Acid Ligand Capping on CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots using Ligand Exchange and NMR Spectroscopy. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. (2016)
Davidowski, Stephen K.; Thompson, Forrest; Huang, Wei; Hasani, Mohammad; Amin, Samrat A.; Angell, Austen, C.; and Yarger, Jeffery L. NMR Characterization of Ionicity and Transport Properties for a Series of Diethylmethlamine Based Protic Ionic Liquids. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. (2016)
Popp, Thomas M. Osborn; Addison J. Bennett; Fordan, Jacob S.; Damle, VG; Rykaczewski, Konrad; Chang, Shery L. Y.; Stokes, Grace Y.; Edgerly, Janice S.; Yarger, Jeffery L. Surface and Wetting Properties of Embiopteran (Webspinner) Nanofiber Silk. Langmuir. (2016)
Rykaczewski, Konrad; Jordan, Jacob S.; Linder, Rubin; Woods Erik T.; Sun, Xaoda; Kemme, Nicholas; Manning, Kenneth C.; Cherry, Brian R.; Yarger, Jeffery L.; Majure, Lucas C. Microscale Mechanism of Age Dependent Wetting Properties of Prickly Pear Cacti (Opuntia). Langmuir. (2016)
Hasani, Mohammad; Yarger, Jeffery L.; Angell, Austen, C. On the Use of a Protic Ionic Liquid with a Novel Cation to Study Anion Basicity. Chemistry: A European Journal. (2016)
Finkelstein-Shapiro, Daniel; Davidowski, Stephen K.; Lee, Paul B.; Guo, Chengchen; Holland, Gregory P.; Rajh, Tijana; Gray, Kimberly A.; Yarger, Jeffery L. Direct Evidence of Chelated Geometry of Catechol on TiO2 by a Combined Solid-State NMR and DFT Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. (2016)
Benmore, C.J.; Mou, Q.; Benmore, K.J.; Robinson, D.S.; Neuefeind, J.; Ilavsky, J.; Byrn, S.R.; Yarger, J.L. A SAXS-WAXS Study of the Endothermic Transition in Amorphous or Supercooled Liquid Itrconazole. Thermochimica Acta. (2016)
Gray, Geoffrey M.; van der Vaart, Arjan; Guo, Chengchen; Jones, Justin; Onofrei, David; Cherry, Brian R.; Lewis, Randolph V.; Yarger, Jeffery L.; Holland, Gregory, P. Secondary Structure Adopted by the Gly-Gly-X Repetitive Regions of Dragline Spider Silk. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. (2016)
Q. Mou; C.J. Benmore; J.L. Yarger. X-ray Intermolecular Structure Factor (XISF): Separation of Intra- and Inter-molecular Interactions from Total X-ray Scattering Data. J. Appl. Crystallography. (2015)
X. Shil G.P. Holland; J.L. Yarger. Molecular Dynamics of Spider Dragline Silk Fiber Investigated by 2H MAS NMR. Biomacromolecules. (20)
Guo, Chengchen; Hall, Genevieve; Addison, John B.; Yarger, Jeffery L. Gold Nanoparticle-Doped Silk Film as Biocompatible SERS Substrate. RSC Advances (2015).
Sampath, Sujatha; Yarger, Jeffery L. Structural Hysteresis in Dragline Spider Silks Induced by Supercontraction: an X-ray Fiber Micro-Diffraction Study. RSC Advances (2015).
Addison, Bennett J.; Popp, Tom Osborne; Weber, Warner S.; Edgerly, Janice S.; Holland, Gregory P.; Yarger, Jeffery L. Structural Characterization of Nanofiber Silk Produced by Embiopterans (Webspinners). RSC Advances (2014).
Addison, Bennett; Weber, Warner; Mou, Qiushi; Ashton, Nicholas N.; Stewart Russell J.; Holland, Gregory P.; Yarger, Jeffery L. Reversible Assembly of ß-Sheet Nanocrystals within Caddisfly Silk. Biomacromolecules (2014).
Addison, Bennett; Weber, Warner; Mou, Qiushi; Holland, Gregory P.; Yarger, Jeffery L. Structural Characterization of Caddisfly Silk with Solid-State NMR and X-Ray Diffraction. Biophysical Journal (2014).
Albertson, A.E.; Teulé, F.; Weber, W.; Yarger, J.L.; Lewis, R.V. Effects of Different Post-Spin Stretching Conditions on the Mechanical Properties of Synthetic Spider Silk Fibers. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (2014).
Shi, Xiangyan; Yarger, Jeffery L.; Holland, Gregory P.;. Elucidating Proline Dynamics in Spider Dragline Silk Fibre Using 2H-13C HETCOR MAS NMR. Chem Commun (2014).
Soignard, Emmanuel; Hochheimer, Hans, D.; Yarger, Jeff; Rishi, Raj. Reversible Elastic Deformation of Functionalized sp2 Carbon at Pressures of up to 33 GPa. Appl. Phys. Lett (2014).
Tarakeshwar, Pilarisetty; Palma, Julio, L.; Holland, Gregory, P.; Fromme, Petra; Yarger, Jeffery L.; Mujica, Vladimiro. Probing the Nature of Charge Transfer at Nano-Bio Interfaces: Peptides on Metal Oxide Nanoparticles. J. Phys. Chem. Lett (2014).
Xu, Dian; Yarger, Jeffery L.; Holland, Gregory P. Are Spider Silk Proteins a New Class of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins?. Biophysical Journal (2014).
Xu, Dian; Yarger, Jeffery L.; Holland, Gregory P. Exploring the Backbone Dynamics of Native Spider Silk Proteins in Black Widow Silk Glands with Solution-state NMR Spectroscopy. Polymer (2014).
Addison, Bennett; Ashton, Nicholas N.; Weber, Warner; Stewart Russell J.; Holland, Gregory P.; Yarger, Jeffery L. ß-Sheet Nanocrystalline Domains Formed from Phosphorylated Serine-Rich Motifs in Caddisfly Larval Silk: A Solid State NMR and XRD Study. Biomacromolecules (2013).
Adrianos, S.L.; Teulé, F.; Hinman, M.B; Jones, J.A.; Weber, W.; Yarger, J.L.; Lewis, R.V.,. Nephila clavipes Flagelliform Silk-Like GGX Motifs Contribute to Extensibility and Spacer Motifs Contribute to Strength in Synthetic Spider Silk Fibers. Biomacromolecules (2013).
Asakura, Tetsuo; Suzuki, Yu; Nakazawa, Yasumoto; Yazawa, Koji; Holland, Gregory P.; Yarger, Jeffery L. Silk Structure Studied with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (2013).
Benmore, C.J.; Weber, J.K.R.; Tailor, A.N.; Cherry, B.R.; Yarger, J.L.; Mou, Q.; Weber, W.; Neuefeind, J.; Byrn, S.R. Structural Characterization and Aging of Glassy Pharmaceuticals Made Using Acoustic Levitation. J. Pharmaceutical Sciences (2013).
Holland, Gregory P.; Mou, Qiushi; Yarger, Jeffery L.,. Determining Hydrogen-Bond Interactions in Spider Silk with 1H-13C HETCOR Fast MAS Solid-State NMR and DFT Proton Chemical Shift Calculations. Chem. Comm (2013).
Huang, W.; Angell, A.; Yarger, Jeffery L.; Richert, R. Measurement of Conductivity and Permittivity of Samples Sealed in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Tubes. Review of Scientific Instrumentation (2013).
Koski, Kristie; Akhenblit, P.; McKiernan, K.; Yarger, Jeffery L. Non-invasive determination of the complete elastic moduli of spider silks. Nature Materials (2013).
Sampath, Sujatha; Jenkins, Janelle; Butler, Emily; Kim, Jihyun; Henning, Robert; Holland, Gregory; Yarger, Jeffery. Characterizing the Secondary Protein Structure of Black Widow Dragline Silk Using Solid-State NMR & X-ray Diffraction. Biomacromolecules (2013).
Shi, Xiangyan; Holland, Gregory P.; Yarger, Jeffery L. Amino Acid Analysis of Spider Dragline Silk Using 1H NMR. Analytical Biochemistry (2013).
Shi, Xiangyan; Yarger, Jeffery L; Holland, Gregory P. Probing Site-Specific 13C/15N-Isotope Enrichment of Spider Silk with Liquid-State NMR Spectroscopy. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2013).
Shi, Xiangyan; Yarger, Jeffery L; Holland, Gregory P.,. 2H-13C HETCOR MAS NMR for Indirect Detection of 2H Quadrupole Patterns and Spin-Lattice Relaxation Rates. J. Magnetic Resonance (2013).
Weber, J.K.R.; Benmore, C.J.; Tailor, A.N.; Tumber, S.K.; Neuefeind, J.; Cherry, B.; Yarger, J.L.; Mou, Q.; Weber, W.; Byrn, S.R. A Neutron-X-ray, NMR and Calorimetric Study of Glassy Probucol Synthesized Using Containerless Techniques. Chemical Physics (2013).
Amin, Samrat A.; Leinenweber, Kurt; Benmore, Chris J.; Weber, Richard; Yarger, Jeffery L. Characterizing Pressure Induced Coordination Changes in CaAl2O4 Glass Using 27Al NMR. J. Phys. Chem. C (2012).
Amin, Samrat A.; Leinenweber, Kurt; Benmore, Chris J.; Weber, Richard; Yarger, Jeffery L.,. Characterizing Pressure Induced Coordination Changes in CaAl2O4 Glass Using 27Al NMR. J. Phys. Chem. C (2012).
Amin, Samrat; Rissi, Erin N.; McKiernan, Keri; Yarger, Jeffery L.,. Determining the Equation of State of Amorphous Solids at High Pressure Using Optical Microscopy. Review of Scientific Instrumentation (2012).
An, Bo; Jenkins, Janelle E.; Sampath, Sujatha; Holland, Gregory P.; Hinman, Mike; Yarger, Jeffery L.; Lewis, Randolph V. Reproducing Natural Spider Silks’ Copolymer Behavior in Synthetic Silk Mimics. Biomacromolecules (2012).
Benmore, C.J.; Izdebski, T.; Yarger, J.L.,. Total X-Ray Scattering of Spider Dragline Silk. Phys. Rev. Lett (2012).
Blanchard, J. W.; Groy, T. L.; Yarger, J.L.; Holland G. P.,. Investigating Hydrogen-Bonded Phosphonic Acids with Proton Ultrafast MAS NMR and DFT Calculations. J. Phys. Chem. C (2012).
Jenkins, Janelle E.; Holland, Gregory P.; Yarger, Jeffery L. High resolution magic angle spinning NMR investigation of silk protein structure within major ampullate glands of orb weaving spiders. Soft Matter (2012).
Jenkins, Janelle E.; Holland, Gregory P.; Yarger, Jeffery L.,. High resolution magic angle spinning NMR investigation of silk protein structure within major ampullate glands of orb weaving spiders. Soft Matter (2012).
Koski, Kristie; McKiernan, K.; Akhenblit, P.; Yarger, Jeffery L. Shear-induced rigidity in spider silk glands. Applied Physics Letters (2012).
Oelker, Erin N.; Soignard, Emmanuel; McKiernan, K.A.; Benmore, C.J.; Yarger, J.L. Pressure-Induced Crystallization of Amorphous Red Phosphorus. Solid State Communications (2012).
Oelker, Erin N.; Soignard, Emmanuel; McKiernan, K.A.; Benmore, C.J.; Yarger, J.L.,. Pressure-Induced Crystallization of Amorphous Red Phosphorus. Solid State Communications (2012).
Sampath, Sujatha.; Izdebski, Thomas.; Jenkins, Janelle; Ayon, Joel; Orgel, Joseph; Henning, Robert W.; Yarger, Jeffery L. X-ray Diffraction Study of Nanocrystalline and Amorphous Structure within Major and Minor Ampullate Dragline Spider Silks. Soft Matter (2012).
Skinner, L.B..; Benmore, C.; Antao, S.; Soignard, E.; Amin, S.A.; Bychkov, E.; Rissi, E.; Parise, J.B.; Yarger, J.L. Structural Changes in Vitreous GeSe4 Under Pressure. J. Phys. Chem. C (2012).
Skinner, L.B..; Benmore, C.; Antao, S.; Soignard, E.; Amin, S.A.; Bychkov, E.; Rissi, E.; Parise, J.B.; Yarger, J.L.,. Structural Changes in Vitreous GeSe4 Under Pressure. J. Phys. Chem. C (2012).
Teulé, Florence; Addison, Bennett; Cooper, Alyssa; Ayon, Joel; Henning, Robert W.; Benmore, Chris J.; Holland, Gregory P.; Yarger, Jeffery L.; Lewis, Randolph V. Combining Flagelliform and Dragline Spider Silk Motifs to Produce Tunable Synthetic Biopolymer Fibers. Biopolymers (2012).
An, Bo; Hinman; M. B.; Holland, G. P.; Yarger, J.L.; Lewis, R. V.,. Inducing ß-sheets Formation in Synthetic Spider Silk Fibers by Aqueous Post-Spin Stretching. Biomacromolecules (2011).
Benmore, C.J.; Soignard, E.; Guthrie, M.; Amin, S.A.; Weber, J.K.R.; McKiernan, K.; Wilding, M.C.; Yarger, J.L.,. High Pressure X-ray Diffraction Measurements on Mg2SiO4 Glass. J. Non-Crystalline Solids (2011).
Pizzarello, S.; Williams, L.B.; Lehman, J.; Holland, G.P.; Yarger, J.L.,. Abundant Ammonia in Primitive Asteroids and the Case for Possible Exobiology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (2011).
Benmore, C.J.; Soignard, E.; Amin, S.A.; Guthrie, M.; Shastri, S.D.; Lee, P.L.; Yarger, J.L.,. Structural and Topological Changes in Silica Glass at Pressure. Physical Review B (2010).
Jenkins, Janelle E.; Creager, M.S.; Lewis, R.V.; Holland, Gregory P.; Yarger, Jeffery L.,. Quantitative Correlation Between the Protein Primary Sequences and Secondary Structures in Spider Dragline Silks. Biomacromolecules (2010).
Soignard, Emmanuel; Benmore, Chris J.; Yarger, Jeffery L.,. Perforated Diamond Anvil Cell for High-Energy X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) of Liquids and Amorphous Solids at High Pressure. Review of Scientific Instrumentation (2010).
Yang, G.; Bureau, B.; Rouxel, T.; Gueguen, Y.; Gulbiten, O.; Roiland, C.; Soignard, E.; Yarger, J.L.; Troles, J.; Sangleboeuf, J.C.; Lucus, P.,. Correlation Between Structure and Physical Properties of Chalcogenide Glasses in the AsxSe1-x system. Physical Review B (2010).
Lucas, Pierre; King, Ellyn A.; Gulbiten, O.; Yarger, Jeffery L.; Soignard, Emmanuel; Bureau, Bruno,. Bimodal phase percolation model for the structure of Ge-Se glasses and the existence of the intermediate phase. Physical Review B (2009).
Nylén, Johanna; Sato, Toyoto; Soignard, Emmanuel; Yarger, Jeffery L.; Stoyanov, Emil; Häussermann, Ulrich.,. Thermal Decomposition of Ammonia Borane at High Pressure. Journal Chemical Physics (2009).
Oelker, Erin N.; Bhat, Harish; Soignard, Emmanuel; Yarger, Jeffery L.,. Pressure-Induced Transformations in Crystalline and Vitreous PbGeO3. Solid State Communications (2009).
Sharma, Ramesh; Holland, Gregory P.; Solomon, Virgil C.; Zimmermann, Herbert; Schiffenhaus, Steven; Amin, Samrat A.; Buttry, Daniel A.; and Yarger, Jeffery L.,. Characterization of Ligand Binding and Exchange Dynamics in Triphenylphosphine-Capped Gold Nanoparticles. J. Phys. Chem. C (2009).
E. Soignard, 1, 2 S. A. Amin, 1 Q. Mei, 1, 3 C. J. Benmore, 3 and J. L. Yarger1. High-pressure behavior of As2O3: Amorphous-amorphous and crystalline-amorphous transitions. Physical Review B (2008).
Gregory P. Holland*, Janelle E. Jenkins, Melinda S. Creager, Randolph V. Lewis and Jeffery L. Yarger*. Solid-State NMR Investigation of Major and Minor Ampullate Spider Silk in the Native and Hydrated States. Biomacromolecules (2008).
Gregory P. Holland, Janelle E. Jenkins, Melinda S. Creager, Randolph V. Lewis and Jeffery L. Yarger. Quantifying the fraction of glycine and alanine in -sheet and helical conformations in spider dragline silk using solid-state NMR. Chem Comm (2008).
Gregory P. Holland, Melinda S. Creager, Janelle E. Jenkins, Randolph V. Lewis and Jeffery L. Yarger. Determining Secondary Structure in Spider Dragline Silk by Carbon-Carbon Correlation Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2008).
Mei, Q.; Benmore, C.J.; Sharma, R..; Sen, S.; and Yarger, J.L. Intermediate Range Order in Vitreous Silica from a Partial Structure Factor Analysis. Physical Review B (2008).
Sujatha Sampath, 1, 2 Alexander I. Kolesnikov, 2 Kristina M. Lantzky, 3 and Jeffery L. Yarger1. Vibrational dynamics of amorphous beryllium hydride and lithium beryllium hydrides. Journal of Chemical Physics (2008).
Mei, Q.; Benmore, C.J.; Soignard, E.; Amin, S.; and Yarger, J.L. Analysis of High-Energy X-ray Diffraction Data at High Pressure: The Case of Vitreous As2O3 at 32 GPa. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2007).
Mei, Q.; Benmore, C.J.; Soignard, E.; Amin, S.; and Yarger, J.L. Comment on ‘Microscopic Structure Evolution During the Liquid-Liquid Transition in Triphenyl Phosphite’ by R Kurita, Y Shinohara, Y Anemiya and H Tanaka J. Phsy.: Condens. Matter 19 (2007) 152101. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2007).
Mei, Q.; Hart, R.T.; Benmore, C.J.; Amin, S.; Leinenweber, K.; and Yarger, J.L. The Structure of Densified As2O3 Glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (2007).
Mulki Bhat, V Molinero, Emmanuel Soignard, Virgil Solomon, Jeffery Yarger, Charles Angell. Vitrification of a monoatomic metallic liquid. Nature (2007).
Qiang Mei, Chris Benmore, Emmanuel Soignard, Samrat Amin, Jeffery Yarger. Analysis of high-energy X-ray diffraction data at high pressure: the case of vitreous As2O3 at 32 GPa. Journal of physics: condensed Matter (2007).
S McLain, A Soper, J Molaison, C Benmore, M Dolgos, Jeffery Yarger, J Turner. On the Structure of Liquid Antimony Pentafluoride. J. Mol. Liquids (2007).
YHolland, Gregory P.; Sharma, Ramesh; Agola, Jacob O.; Amin, Samrat; Solomon, Virgil C.; Singh, Poonam; Buttry, Daniel A.; and Yarger Jeffery L. NMR Characterization of Phosphonic Acid Capped SnO2 Nanoparticles. Chemistry of Materials (2007).
. . Modern Magnetic Resonance (2007).
. . Modern Magnetic Resonance (2007).
M Ahart, A Asthagiri, R Cohen, Jeffery Yarger, H Mao, R Hemley. Brillouin Spectroscopy of Relaxor Ferroelectrics and Metal Hydrides. Materials Sci. Eng. A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing (2006).
Q Mei, C Benmore, S Sampath, J Weber, K Leinenweber, S Amin, P Johnston, Jeffery Yarger. The Structure of Permanently Densified CaAl2O4 Glass. J. Phys. Chem. Sol (2006).
Q Mei, J Siewenie, C Benmore, P Ghalsasi, Jeffery Yarger. Orientational Correlations in the Glacial State of Triphenyl Phosphite. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2006).
Q Mei, P Lee, S Shastri, J Parise, K Leinenweber, S Amin, Jeffery Yarger, C Benmore, R Hart, E Bychkov, P Salmon, C Martin, F Michel, S Antao, P Chupas. Topological Changes in Glassy GeSe2 at Pressures Up to 9.3 GPa Determined by High-Energy X-ray and Neutron Diffraction Measurements. Phys. Rev. B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (2006).
Yarger, Jeffery Lynn, Buttry, D A, Holland, G P. Modern Magnetic Resonance: Materials Science. (2006).
C Benmore, R Hart, Q Mei, D Price, Jeffery Yarger, C Tulk, D Klug. Intermediate Range Chemical Ordering in Amorphous and Liquid Water, Si and Ge. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (2005).
K Koski, Jeffery Yarger. Brillouin Imaging. Applied Physics Letters (2005).
M Ahart, Jeffery Yarger, K Lantzky, S Nahano, H Mao, R Hemley. High-Pressure Brillouin Scattering of Amorphous BeH2. Journal Chemical Physics (2005).
P Teradesai, D Anderson, N Hauser, Jeffery Yarger. Infrared Spectroscopy of Germanium Dioxide (GeO2) Glass at High Pressure. Phys. Chem. Glasses (2005).
Q Mei, P Teradesai, C Benmore, S Sampath, E Bychkov, J Neuefeind, K Lienenweber, Jeffery Yarger. The Structure of Permanently Densified GeSe2 Glasses. Phys. Chem. Glasses (2005).
Terekhov, S, Obraztsova, E, Hochheimer, H, Teredesai, P, Yarger, Jeffery, Osadchy, A. Raman scattering as a probe of the electronic structure of single-wall carbon nanotubes under high pressure. (2005).
G Holland, R Lewis, Jeffery Yarger. WISE NMR Characterization of Nanoscale Heterogeneity and Mobility in Supercontracted Nephila Clavipes Spider Dragline Silk. J. Am. Chem. Soc (2004).
Jeffery Yarger, George Wolf. Polymorphism in Liquids. Science (2004).
M Guthrie, C Tulk, C Benmore, J Xu, Jeffery Yarger, D Klug, H-k Mao, R Hemley. Formation and Structure of a Dense Octahedral Glass. Phys. Rev. Lett (2004).
P Ghalsasi, B Cage, Jeffery Yarger. Studies on TMPD:TCNB; a Donor:Acceptor with Room Temperature Paramagnetic (n-p) Interaction. Molecules (2004).
Q Mei, P Ghalsasi, C Benmore, J Xu, Jeffery Yarger. The Local Structure of Triphenyl Phosphite Studied Using Spallation Neutron and High-Energy X-ray Diffraction. J. Phys. Chem. B (2004).
S Sampath, C Benmore, K Lantzky, J Neuefeind, K Leinenweber, D Price, Jeffery Yarger. Cracking Open A Glass Puzzle. APS Science, ANL (2004).
G Holland, Jeffery Yarger, D Buttry, F Huguenin, R Torresi. Solid-State NMR Study of Ion-Exchange Processes in V2O5 Xerogel, Polyaniline/V2O5 and Sulfonated Polyaniline/V2O5 Nanocomposites. J. Electrochem. Soc (2003).
S Sampath, C Benmore, K Lantzky, J Neuefeind, K Leinenweber, D Price, Jeffery Yarger. Intermediate-Range Order in Permanently Densified GeO2 Glass. Phys. Rev. Lett (2003).
S Sampath, K Lantzky, C Benmore, J Neuefeind, J Siewenie, P Egelstaff, Jeffery Yarger. Structural Quantum Isotope Effects in Amorphous Beryllium Hydride. J. Chem. Phys (2003).
G Holland, D Buttry, Jeffery Yarger. Li NMR Studies of Electrochemically Lithiated V2O5 Xerogels. Chem. Mat (2002).
K Koski, J Müller, H Hochheimer, Jeffery Yarger. High-Pressure Angle Dispersive Brillouin Spectroscopy: A Technique for Determining Acoustic Velocities and Attenuations in Liquids and Solids. Rev. Sci. Instr (2002).
B Schwickert, S Kline, H Zimmerman, K Lantzky, Jeffery Yarger. Early Stages of Glacial Clustering in Supercooled Triphenyl Phosphite. Phys. Rev. B (2001).
Hochheimer, Hans D, Kuchta, Bogdan, Dorhout, Peter K, Yarger, Jeffery Lynn. Frontiers of High Pressure Research II: Application of High Pressure to Low-Dimensional Novel Electronic Materials. (2001).
Holland, Gregory, Yarger, Jeffery, Buttry, Daniel. Li+ intercalation into V2O5×0.5H2O xerogel monitored by X-ray diffraction. (2001).
Koski, K, Müller, J, Hochheimer, H, Yarger, Jeffery. High-Pressure Brillouin Spectroscopy Using an Angle Dispersive Fabry-Perot Interferometer. (2001).
T de Swiet, A Pines, Jeffery Yarger, T Wagberg, J Hone, B Gross, M Tomaselli, J Titman, A Zettl, M Mehring. Electron Spin Density Distribution in the Polymer Phase of CsC60:Assignment of the NMR Spectrum. Phys. Rev. Lett (2000).
L R Parent, D Onofrei, D Xu, D Stengel, J D Roehling, J B Addison, C Forman, S Amin, B Cherry, Jeffery Yarger, N C Gianneschi, G P Holland. Hierarchical Spidroin Micellar Nanoparticles as the Fundamental Precursors of Spider Silks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (2018).
C Guo, Jeffery Yarger. Characterizing Gold Nanoparticles by NMR Spectroscopy. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry (2018).
R Urie, C C Guo, D Ghosh, M Thelakkaden, V Wong, J K Lee, J Kilourne, Jeffery Yarger, K Rege. Soft Tissue Approximation and Repair Using Laser-Activated Silk Nanosealants. Advanced Functional Materials (2018).
C Guo, J Zhang, J Jordan, X Wang, R Henning, Jeffery Yarger. Structural Comparison of Various Silkworm Silks: An Insight into the Structure-Property Relationship. Biomacromolecules (2018).
Jeffery Yarger, B R Cherry, A van der Vaart. Uncovering the Structure-Function Relationship in Spider Silk. Nature Reviews Materials (2018).
I S Klein, Z F Zhao, S K Davidowski, Jeffery Yarger, C A Angell. A New Version of the Lithium Ion Conducting Plastic Crystal Solid Electrolyte. Advanced Energy Materials (2018).
Research Activity
Angell,Charles Austen*, Richert,Ranko, Yarger,Jeffery Lynn. Fundamental Studies on the Dynamics and Energetics of Protic Ionic Liquids and Some Applications to Fuel Cells. DOD-ARMY-ARO(5/1/2015 - 4/30/2018).
Holland,Gregory Peter*, Yarger,Jeffery Lynn. Spider's Silk: From Protein-rich Gland Fluids to Diverse Biopolymer Fibers. DOD-AFOSR(12/1/2013 - 11/30/2016).
Yarger,Jeffery Lynn*, Holland,Gregory Peter. Probing the Molecular Structure and Dynamics of Spider Silk Proteins. NSF-MPS-CHE(7/1/2013 - 6/30/2016).
Yarger,Jeffery Lynn*. Synthesis characterization and properties of fast acting amorphous drugs. ARGONNE NATL LABORATORY(1/11/2013 - 9/30/2013).
Holland,Gregory Peter*, Yarger,Jeffery Lynn. Acquisition of a Solid-State NMR Ultra-fast Magic Angle Spinning Probe to Investigate Spider Silk. DOD-AFOSR(7/31/2012 - 7/30/2013).
Angell,Charles Austen*, Richert,Ranko, Yarger,Jeffery Lynn. Fundamental Studies on the Dynamics and Energetics of Protic Ionic Liquids and Some Applications to Fuel Cells. DOD-ARMY-ARO(7/1/2011 - 12/31/2015).
Yarger,Jeffery Lynn*. BNI-ASU Collaborative Research: Accelerate Discovery of Biomarkers to Better Map Gliomas. BARROWS INSTIT/ST JOES HOSP(1/1/2011 - 6/30/2015).
Yarger,Jeffery Lynn*, Holland,Gregory Peter. NMR Characterization of Molecular Structure and Dynamics in Ligand-Capped Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles. NSF-MPS-CHE(9/15/2010 - 8/31/2014).
Holland,Gregory Peter*, Yarger,Jeffery Lynn. Spider Gland Fluids: From Protein-rich Isotropic Liquid to Insoluble Super Fiber. DOD-AFOSR(6/15/2010 - 6/14/2013).
Angell,Charles Austen*, Marzke,Robert F, Yarger,Jeffery Lynn. Phase II - Angell: Protic Salt Polymer Membranes: High-Temperature Water-Free Proton Conductors. UNIV OF AZ(11/1/2009 - 12/31/2010).
Yarger,Jeffery Lynn*, Soignard,Emmanuel. Energy Frontier Research in Extreme Environments (EFree). CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHIN(8/1/2009 - 7/31/2012).
Leinenweber,Kurt D*, Buseck,P R, Haussermann,Ulrich, Sharp,Thomas, Tyburczy,James Albert, Yarger,Jeffery Lynn. Upgrade of the Multi-Anvil High-Pressure Facility at Arizona State University. NSF-GEO-EAR(7/1/2009 - 6/30/2012).
Yarger,Jeffery Lynn*. Designing Spider Silk Proteins as Novel Biomaterials. UNIV OF WYOMING(6/1/2009 - 5/31/2011).
Yarger,Jeffery Lynn*, Holland,Gregory Peter. Dynamic and Strucural Studies of Spider Silk Fibers. NSF-MPS(8/1/2008 - 7/31/2012).
Yarger,Jeffery Lynn*. Designing Spider Silk Proteins as Novel Biomaterials. UNIV OF WYOMING(6/1/2008 - 5/31/2009).
Yarger,Jeffery Lynn*. CarnegieDOE Alliance Center for High Pressure Science and Technology. CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHIN(3/1/2008 - 2/28/2013).
Jeff Yarger. Diamond Anvil Cell NMR. Carnegie Institute of Washington (Dec 2008).
Jeff Yarger. Dynamics of Hydrated Spider Silk. Materials Research Society - National Meeting (Nov 2008).
Jeff Yarger. Physics and Chemistry of Glass. Four Corners - American Physical Society Meeting (Oct 2008).
Jeff Yarger. Polyamorphism in BeF2. Regional American Chemical Society Meeting (Sep 2008).
Jeff Yarger. 2D HETCOR Solid-State NMR of Spider Silk Fibers. International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems (Aug 2008).
Jeff Yarger. NMR of Spider Silk. Rocky Mt. Conference (Jul 2008).
Jeff Yarger. Pressure Effects on Liquids, Supercooled Liquids and Glasses. Gordon Research Conference - Research at High Pressure (Jun 2008).
Jeff Yarger. High Pressure DAC Xray and Neutron Diffraction of Liquids and Glasses. Spalliation Neutrons at Pressure (SNAP) and COMPRES (Apr 2008).
Jeff Yarger and Greg Holland. Indirectly Detected Heternuclear Single Quantum Coherence in Biopolymers. Experimental NMR Conference (Mar 2008).
Jeff Yarger. NMR of Biopolymers. Materials Research Society - National Meeting (Mar 2008).
Jeff Yarger. NMR of Battery and Fuel Cell Materials. SSAA Symposium (Feb 2008).
Jeff Yarger. Advance in Magnetic Resonance. Southern Illinois University (Dec 2007).
Jeff Yarger. Polyamorphism. Rocky Mt. ACS (Sep 2007).
Soignard, Emmanuel, Yarger, Jeffery. Exploration of phase transformations in supercooled liquids and amorphous solids. SMEC 2007 (Apr 2007).
Yarger, Jeffery. Solid State NMR Investigation of Metal Oxide Nanomaterials. Materials Research Society, National Meeting, Fall (Nov 2006).
Yarger, Jeffery. High-Pressure Phase Transformation Within Supercooled Liquids and Amorphous Solids. Materials Research Society, National Meeting, Fall (Nov 2006).
Benmore, Chris, Yarger, Jeffery. HIGH PRESSURE DIFFRACTION STUDIES OF TRIGANOL AND TETRAHEDRAL NETWORK GLASSES. 10th International Conference on Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials (NCM10) (Sep 2006).
Yarger, Jeffery. Studies on Vitreous Beryllium Fluoride. The American Ceramic Society's Glass and Optical Materials Division (GOMD) (Aug 2006).
Yarger, Jeffery. Using Cell Phones to Help Teach Chemistry. Research Corporation - Cottrell Scholars Conference (Jul 2006).
Yarger, Jeffery. NMR of Ionic Liquids for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Membranes. 2006 DOE Hydrogen Program Annual Review (May 2006).
Yarger, Jeffery. NMR at High-Pressure. Workshop on Synergy of 21st Century High-Pressure Science and Technology (Apr 2006).
Yarger, Jeffery. NMR and Neutron Scattering of Glasses. Argonne National Laborory - IPNS Conference and Review (Mar 2006).
Yarger, Jeffery. NMR of Spider Silk and Biopolymers. Rocky Mountain NMR Conference (Jul 2005).
Yarger, Jeffery. Using Neutron Diffraction to Elucidate the Structure of Amorphous Solids and Biopolymers. SNS SNAP National Meeting (Jun 2005).
Yarger, Jeffery. NMR of Biopolymers. Experimental NMR Conference (Apr 2005).
Yarger, Jeffery. High-Pressure Amorphous-Amorphous Transitions in Network Glassformers. American Chemical Society National Meeting (Mar 2005).
Yarger, Jeffery.
Yarger, Jeffery. American Ceramic Society Meeting
Yarger, Jeffery.
Yarger, Jeffery.
Yarger, Jeffery. Carnegie DOE Alliance Conference
Yarger, Jeffery. Electrochemical Society Meeting
Yarger, Jeffery. Gordon Conference on Ionic Liquids
Yarger, Jeffery. NATO Frontiers of High Pressure
Yarger, Jeffery. Rocky Mountain Research Conference
Yarger, Jeffery.
Yarger, Jeffery. American Physical Society Meeting
Yarger, Jeffery. Experimental NMR Conference
Yarger, Jeffery. Four-Corners American Physical Society Meeting
Yarger, Jeffery. Gordon Conference on Chemical Education
Yarger, Jeffery. Gordon Conference on Order/Disorder
Yarger, Jeffery.
Yarger, Jeffery. DOE EPSCoR Meeting
Yarger, Jeffery. Gordon Conference on Magnetic Resonance
Yarger, Jeffery. Materials Research Society Meeting