Patrick J. Kenney is Executive Vice Provost at Arizona State University. He is also a Foundation Professor in the School of Politics and Global Studies. Kenney came to ASU in 1986 and received his bachelor's, master's and doctorate from the University of Iowa. Professor Kenney has authored and co-authored articles in the American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, the Journal of Politics and several other journals. He has co-authored five books with Kim Fridkin, "The Spectacle of U.S. Senate Campaigns" (Princeton University Press, 1999), "No-Holds Barred: Negativity in U.S. Senate Campaigns" (Prentice Hall, 2004), "The Changing Face of Representation"(University of Michigan Press, 2014), “Taking Aim at Attack Advertising" (Oxford University Press, 2019) and “Choices in a Chaotic Campaign: Understanding Citizens’ Decisions in the 2020 Election” (Cambridge University Press, 2024). He has received funding from the National Science Foundation and he is a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.
Kim L. Fridkin, Amanda Wintersieck, Jill Carle and Patrick J. Kenney. The Upside of the Long Campaign: How Presidential Elections Engage the Electorate. American Politics (2017).
Kim L. Fridkin and Patrick J. Kenney. The Role of Candidate Traits in Campaigns. Journal of Politics (2011).
Kim L. Fridkin and Patrick J. Kenney. Laboratory Experiments in American Political Behavior. Oxford Handbook of American Elections and Political Behavior (2010).
Kim Fridkin, Patrick Kenney, Sarah Gershon, Karen Shafer, Gina Woodall. Capturing the Power of a Campaign Event: The 2004 Presidential Debate in Tempe. Journal of Politics (2007).
Kim Fridkin, Patrick Kenney, Jack Crittendent. On the Margins of Democratic Life: The Impact of Race and Ethnicity on the Political Engagement of Young People. American Politics Research (2006).
Fridkin, Kim L (Author) ,Kenney, Patrick J (Author) . Campaign Frames: Can Candidates Influence Media Coverage. The Framing of American Politics (2005).
Kim Fridkin, Patrick Kenney. Do Negative Messages Work? The Impact of Negativity on Citizen's Evaluations of Candidates. American Politics Research (2004).
Fridkin Kahn, Kim, Kenney, Patrick J. No Holds Bared: Negativity in U.S. Senate Campaigns. (2004).
. . Senate Exceptionalism (2004).
. . The Framing of American Politics (2004).
Kim Kahn, Patrick Kenney. The Slant of the News: How Editorial Endorsements Influence Campaign Coverage and Citizen's Views of Candidates. American Political Science Review (2002).
Patrick Kenney, Kim Kahn. The Importance of Issues in Campaigns: An Examination of Citizens' Reception of Issue Messages. Legislative Studies Quarterly (2001).
Kim Fridkin, Patrick Kenney. Examining the Gender Gap in Children's Attitudes Toward Politics. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research (0).
Research Activity
Kim L. Fridkin and Patrick J. Kenney. S/C YougovPolimetrix: Superdelegates and Representation in the 2008 Democratic Nomination Campaign. NSF-SES(8/1/2008 - 7/31/2009).
Fridkin, Kim, Kenney, Patrick. Do Negative Messages Work: Exploring the Dimensions of Mudslinging. American Political Science Association (Sep 2006).
Fridkin, Kim, Kenney, Patrick. The Power of a Campaign Event: A Multimethodological Examination of th eFinal 2004 Presidential Debate. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (Aug 2005).
Fridkin, Kim, Kenney, Patrick. The Impact of Race, Ethnicity and Gender on the Political Engagement of Young People. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (Sep 2004).
Fridkin, Kim, Kenney, Patrick. Examining the Development of Civic Engagement Across Cultures and Generations: A First Look. American Political Science Association (Sep 2003).
Fridkin, Kim, Kenney, Patrick. Examining the Influence of Race and Gender on Political Socialization. American Political Science Association (Sep 2003).
Kahn, Kim, Kenney, Patrick. Do Negative Messages Work? The Impact of Niegativity on Citizens' Evaluations of Candiadtes. American Political Science Association (Sep 2002).
Institute of Social Science Research, Director (2010 - Present)
School of Politics and Global Studies, Director (2010 - Present)
School of Politics and Global Studies, director (2009 - Present)
Journals, NSF, Univeristy of Chicago, Reviewer (2010 - 2010)
Journal of Politics, Editorial Board (2004 - 2007)
CLAS, Chair (2002 - 2007)
CLAS, Chair Department of Political Science (2002 - 2007)